Human robot interactive intention prediction using deep learning techniques

In recent years, autonomous robots are increasingly researched, developed and

applied in social life and in the military field. The strong development of the fourth

scientific and technological revolution together with the trend of globalization has

been a strong driving force in manufacturing technology and the application of

autonomous robots in all areas of life.

Although current modern robot navigation systems are capable of driving the

mobile robot to avoid and approach humans in a socially acceptable manner, and

providing respectful and polite behaviors akin to the humans [1-3], they still

surfer the following drawbacks if we wish to deploy the robots into our daily life

settings: (1) a robot should react according to social cues and signals of humans

(facial expression, voice pitch and tone, body language, human gestures), and (2)

a robot should predict future action of the human [4]. Predicting human

interaction intent is an important part of the analysis of human movement

because it allows devices to automatically predict situations to actively set up

respective action scenarios.

Human-robot interactive intention has been studied and incorporated into

robotic systems. Human intention essentially means the goal of his/her current

and/or upcoming action as well as motion towards the goal. The human intention

was successfully applied to trajectory planning of robot manipulation [5-6], mobile

robot navigation [7] and autonomous driving [8]. However, these motion planning

systems only predict and incorporate the human motion intention for human

avoidance, not hu

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Human robot interactive intention prediction using deep learning techniques

Human robot interactive intention prediction using deep learning techniques
Journal of Military Science and Technology, Special Issue, No.72A, 5 - 2021 1 
Do Nam Thang
, Nguyen Viet Tiep
, Pham Trung Dung
, Truong Xuan Tung
Abstract: In this research, we propose a method of human robot interactive 
intention prediction. The proposed algorithm makes use of a OpenPose library and 
a Long-short term memory deep learning neural network. The neural network 
observes the human posture in a time series, then predicts the human interactive 
intention. We train the deep neural network using dataset generated by us. The 
experimental results show that, our proposed method is able to predict the human 
robot interactive intention, providing 92% the accuracy on the testing set. 
Keywords: OpenPose; LSTM; Interactive Intention Prediction. 
In recent years, autonomous robots are increasingly researched, developed and 
applied in social life and in the military field. The strong development of the fourth 
scientific and technological revolution together with the trend of globalization has 
been a strong driving force in manufacturing technology and the application of 
autonomous robots in all areas of life. 
Although current modern robot navigation systems are capable of driving the 
mobile robot to avoid and approach humans in a socially acceptable manner, and 
providing respectful and polite behaviors akin to the humans [1-3], they still 
surfer the following drawbacks if we wish to deploy the robots into our daily life 
settings: (1) a robot should react according to social cues and signals of humans 
(facial expression, voice pitch and tone, body language, human gestures), and (2) 
a robot should predict future action of the human [4]. Predicting human 
interaction intent is an important part of the analysis of human movement 
because it allows devices to automatically predict situations to actively set up 
respective action scenarios. 
Human-robot interactive intention has been studied and incorporated into 
robotic systems. Human intention essentially means the goal of his/her current 
and/or upcoming action as well as motion towards the goal. The human intention 
was successfully applied to trajectory planning of robot manipulation [5-6], mobile 
robot navigation [7] and autonomous driving [8]. However, these motion planning 
systems only predict and incorporate the human motion intention for human 
avoidance, not human approaching which is essential for applications of mobile 
service robots. 
There have been many authors using OpenPose and LSTM/RNN in human 
activity recognition (HAR) approach [9-11], but no author has used human posture 
to predict human-robot interactive intentions. And there are not any published data 
sets of the human-robot interactive intention by posture. We propose a new approach 
of human-robot interactive intention prediction using OpenPose and LSTM network. 
2.1. Overview of OpenPose Model 
OpenPose is a real-time multi-person keypoint detection library for body, face, 
Electronics & Automation 
D. N. Thang, , T. X. Tung, “Human robot interactive  deep learning techniques.” 2 
hands and foot estimation. 
OpenPose was created by CMU Perceptual Computing Lab, the first version 
was released in July 2017, so far the latest version is 1.7.0. It supports Ubuntu (20, 
18, 16, 14), Windows (10, 8), MacOS and NVIDIA TX2 embedded computers. 
The algorithm of OpenPose is detailed in the article [12] and [13]. 
The original OpenPose architecture consisted of a CNN network with two 
branches, in which the first branch was the reliability map and the second branch 
was the PAFs set. 
Fig. 1. The original OpenPose architecture. 
The inputs of OpenPose are images, videos, webcams, Flir/Point Grey and IP 
Cameras. The outputs of OpenPose are basic images and keypoint display/saving 
in popular images formats such as PNG, JPG, AVI,... or keypoint saving as JSON, 
XML,... The number of body keypoints that can be exported is 15, 18 or 25-
Fig. 2. The output of OpenPose. 
In particular, the authors also provide API (Application Programming Interface) 
for two popular languages, Python and C++, which allow users to easily use 
OpenPose in their applications. 
2.2. Long-Short Term Memory Technique 
Long short-term memory (LSTM) is an artificial recurrent neural network 
Journal of Military Science and Technology, Special Issue, No.72A, 5 - 2021 3 
(RNN) architecture [14] used in the field of deep learning. Unlike standard 
feedforward neural networks, LSTM has feedback connections. It can process not 
only single data points (such as images), but also entire sequences of data (such as 
speech or video). 
A common LSTM unit is composed of a cell state, an input gate, an output gate 
and a forget gate. The cell state is used to remember values over arbitrary time 
intervals and the three gates are used to regulate the flow of information into and 
out of the cell. 
Fig. 3. The architecture of LSTM network. 
LSTM networks are well-suited to classify, process and make predictions based 
on time series data, since there can be lags of unknown duration between important 
events in a time series. LSTMs were developed to deal with the vanishing gradient 
problem that can be encountered when training traditional RNNs. Relative 
insensitivity to gap length is an advantage of LSTM over RNNs, hidden Markov 
models and other sequence learning methods in numerous applications. 
We divide the human-robot interaction scenarios into nine cases shown in fig. 4. 
Fig. 4. Human-robot interaction scenarios. (a) Human is crossing the robot to the 
left; (b) Human is crossing the robot to the right; (c) Human is meeting the robot; 
(d) Human is leaving the robot; (e) Human is avoiding on the left side of the robot; 
(f) Human is avoiding on the right side of the robot; (g) Human is moving towards 
the left side of the robot; (h) Human is moving towards the right side of the robot; 
(i) Human is standing. 
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D. N. Thang, , T. X. Tung, “Human robot interactive  deep learning techniques.” 4 
There have been many studies proving that a person's posture carries a lot of 
information, including emotions, health conditions [15]. Does person's posture 
contain information about intent to interact? We use the LSTM network, observe 
the person's posture in n_steps time steps, and then predict the person's intention to 
interact with the robot (fig. 5) 
Fig. 5. Our proposed method. 
Journal of Military Science and Technology, Special Issue, No.72A, 5 - 2021 5 
Figure 6 gives an overview of the general flowchart of our process. 
Fig. 6. The flowchart of the propose system. 
Person's pose is extracted from OpenPose. A pose consists of 2D coordinates of 
j keypoints on the body, including 15, 18 or 25 keypoints. Each keypoint has two 
coordinates. Therefore at each time step we have a coordinate vector. 
x = [x1, x2,, xk] with xi ∈ R, 1,i k , k = 2 * j. 
The input of LSTM network is an n_steps x k matrix X, while the output are 
cases of human-robot interactive intention n_case (as shown above, n_case = 9), 
which is represented as an one-hot vector. 
3.1. Data preparation 
Fig. 7. Sliding window. 
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D. N. Thang, , T. X. Tung, “Human robot interactive  deep learning techniques.” 6 
Dataset preparation is one of the most important step of deep learning model 
training process. It is crucial and can significantly affect the overall performance, 
accuracy and usability of trained model. The human-robot interactive intention 
dataset is not popular or not free in publishing so we created our own dataset by 
recording multiple videos in different environmental conditions. 
To create the time step dataset, we used the sliding window technique, as shown 
in fig. 7. A window has n_steps width, which slides across the data series, for each 
step we have a data point and a corresponding label. The label is the intention of 
human-robot interaction. 
The values of the keypoints in each window are written to input set X, while the 
ground truth, represented by a classification label, is written to output set Y. We do 
the same for training and testing set. 
3.2. Training process 
The dataset is split into two sets included 80% for training and 20% for testing. 
It is extremely important that the training set and testing set are independent of 
each other and do not overlap. 
The batch size and epochs number were set in different values for training 
process. The training process was running automatically and finished when the 
pre-setting epochs number is reached. The model was saved after every certain 
number of epochs. At the end of the training process, we exported the prediction 
results on the training set and testing set to evaluate the newly trained model. 
We filmed a variety of models with different heights, weights, and BMI (Body 
Mass Index) to create our datasets. The keypoints j is chosen 18, the time-step 
n_steps is chosen 32, so the input of the network is a 32x36 matrix. 
We tested with different paramenters of the LSTM network to find the good 
ones. Several results were shown in table 1. The good network training results are 
shown in fig. 8. In this case, we tested with 30 hidden layers and 800 epochs. 
Table 1. Several training results. 
Epoch Training 
15600 32 512 No 1100 40 74.3% 
27736 34 512 No 1000 35 79.6% 
27736 36 512 No 1200 45 79.4% 
27736 36 512 Yes 1000 30 92.1% 
27736 36 256 Yes 1000 75 89.5% 
27736 36 8 Yes 800 200 88.1% 
27736 30 512 Yes 800 30 92.7% 
Journal of Military Science and Technology, Special Issue, No.72A, 5 - 2021 7 
Fig. 8. The prediction results after training. 
Fig. 9. The results of evaluating the testing set. 
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D. N. Thang, , T. X. Tung, “Human robot interactive  deep learning techniques.” 8 
The results of evaluating the testing set on the confusion matrix are shown in fig. 9. 
The evaluation results with the test set are very good. The model gets over 
92% accuracy. 
4.1. Experimental setup 
We use smartphones to represent robots, which have a full HD (1920x1080) 
resolusion camera. Videos are scaled to 640x480 resolution before a being fed to 
the network model. The model stands 8-10m away from the robot and moves 
according to the scenarios, as shown in fig. 4. In the end, the model moves in a 
combination of several scenarios. 
The testing process was run on a laptop with Intel core i7-8850 CPU, 8GB 
RAM and NVIDIA P1000 graphical card, which was installed Ubuntu 18.04 
operating system. 
4.2. Results 
4.2.1. Single case results 
The network model predicts very well with clear movements such as acrossing 
to the left, right, meeting and leaving, as seen in fig. 10 and fig. 11. In more 
difficult cases, for example a human avoids the robot to the left, as showwn in 
Fig. 12a or right (fig. 12b), at several early scenes, the network model may 
mistake for a human walking toward to the right, as illustrated in fig. 13b or left 
fig. 13a of the robot. 
Fig. 10. The results of testing the network model (1). 
(a) Human is crossing the robot to the left; 
(b) Human is crossing the robot to the right. 
Journal of Military Science and Technology, Special Issue, No.72A, 5 - 2021 9 
Fig. 11. The results of testing the network model (2). 
(c) Human is meeting the robot; 
(d) Human is leaving the robot. 
Fig. 12. The results of testing the network model (3). 
 (a) Human is avoiding on the left side of the robot; 
(b) Human is avoiding on the right side of the robot. 
Fig. 13. The results of testing the network model (4). 
 (a) Human is moving towards the left side of the robot; 
(b) Human is moving towards the right side of the robot. 
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D. N. Thang, , T. X. Tung, “Human robot interactive  deep learning techniques.” 10 
Fig. 14. The results of testing the proposed model when the human is standing. 
4.2.2. Combination case results 
In this case, the person moves combining 7 single cases, as shown in fig. 15. 
Although the movement is complicated, the proposed model is well predicted. 
Fig. 15. The combination case studies. 
In this article, we have presented an approach that predicts human-robot 
interactive intention using deep learning techniques. We utilized the OpenPose to 
extract human posture and LSTM network to observe a person over a certain 
period of time, then we predicted the human intent to interact with the robot. This 
approach initially gave some very positive results. In the future, we will continue 
to develop the algorithm by pre-processing information from the image and 
combine with information about euclidean distance from humans to robot to 
increase the prediction accuracy. 
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Trong bài nghiên cứu này, chúng tôi đề xuất một phương pháp tiếp cận dự 
đoán ý định tương tác của người đối với robot. Phương pháp mà chúng tôi 
đề xuất sử dụng thư viện OpenPose cùng với mạng nơ ron học sâu Long – 
Short Term Memory quan sát tư thế chuyển động của người trong một vài 
bước thời gian, sau đó đưa ra dự đoán về ý định tương tác của người đối với 
robot. Chúng tôi đào tạo mạng nơ ron học sâu trên chính tập dữ liệu chúng 
tôi tổng hợp. Kết quả thí nghiệm chỉ ra rằng, phương pháp chúng tôi đề xuất 
đã dự đoán tốt ý định tương tác của người đối với robot với độ chính xác 
trên tập kiểm tra lên đến trên 92%. 
Từ khóa: OpenPose; LSTM; Interactive Intention Prediction. 
Received March 29
Revised May 06
Published May 10
Author affiliations: 
Academy of Military Science and Technology; 
Faculty of Control Engineering, Le Quy Don Technical University. 
 *Corresponding author: 

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