Tài liệu Ngữ Pháp English

(1) Động từ đặc biệt gồm có:

** Động từ trợ

* Động từ trợ

* Động từ trợ

Động từ trợ (auxiliary verb) : bbbbeeee (dùng để chia các thì tiếp diễn, thể thụ động),




have (dùng để chia các thì hoàn thành), ddddoooo (dùng để chia các thể phủ định và nghi


- He is working hard this month. (thì hiện tại tiếp diễn)

- The house was built five years ago. (thể thụ động)

- He has learned English for two years. (thì hiện tại hoàn thành)

- Do you like tea ? (thể nghi vấn)

- She does not like coffee. (thể phủ định)

** Động từ khiếm khuyết

* Động từ khiếm khuyết

* Động từ khiếm khuyết

Động từ khiếm khuyết (modal verb) : cần phải có động theo sau.

- We must study hard.

- He can play the piano.

Đặc điểm chung của các động từ đặc biệt

Đặc điểm chung của các động từ đặc biệt

Đặc điểm chung của các động từ đặc biệt

Đặc điểm chung của các động từ đặc biệt là khi đổi sang thể phủ định ta chỉ cần

thêm NOT



NOT vào sau các động từ đó và khi đổi sang thể nghi vấn ta đưa các động từ đó

ra đầu câu.

- He is not working hard this month.

- Is he working hard this month ?

- He has not found his book.

- Have you seen her yet ?

- She cannot swim.

- Should we go there ?

Tài liệu Ngữ Pháp English trang 1

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Trang 10

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Tài liệu Ngữ Pháp English

Tài liệu Ngữ Pháp English
Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh 
 Động từ được dùng để làm hành động cho chủ từ. Để phân biệt các loại động ï äï äï ä
từ (kinds of verbs), chúng ta hãy quan sát sơ đồ dưới đây: 
Auxiliary verb : (do, have, be) 
 Special verb : 
Modal verb : (must, can, may, might, could, should ) 
 Verb : 
Regular verb : (open, close, clean, remember) 
 Ordinary verb : 
Irregular verb : (run, write, speak, drive) 
Động từ tiếng Anh có hai loại: động từ đặc biệt ä ø ë ää ø ë ää ø ë ä (special verb) và động từ ä øä øä ø
thườngøøø (ordinary verb). 
(1) Động từ đặc biệtä ø ë ää ø ë ää ø ë ä gồm có: 
* Động từ trợ ä ø ïä ø ïä ø ï (auxiliary verb) : be (dùng để chia các thì tiếp diễn, thể thụ động), 
have (dùng để chia các thì hoàn thành), do (dùng để chia các thể phủ định và nghi 
- He is working hard this month. (thì hiện tại tiếp diễn) 
- The house was built five years ago. (thể thụ động) 
- He has learned English for two years. (thì hiện tại hoàn thành) 
- Do you like tea ? (thể nghi vấn) 
- She does not like coffee. (thể phủ định) 
* Động từ khiếm khuyếtä ø á áä ø á áä ø á á (modal verb) : cần phải có động theo sau. 
- We must study hard. 
- He can play the piano. 
Đặc điểm chung của các động từ đặc biệtë å û ù ä ø ë äë å û ù ä ø ë äë å û ù ä ø ë ä là khi đổi sang thể phủ định ta chỉ cần 
thêm NOT vào sau các động từ đó và khi đổi sang thể nghi vấn ta đưa các động từ đó 
ra đầu câu. 
- He is not working hard this month. 
- Is he working hard this month ? 
- He has not found his book. 
- Have you seen her yet ? 
- She cannot swim. 
- Should we go there ? 
(2) Động äää từ thường ø øø øø ø gồm có : 
* Động từ có qui tắc ä ø ù éä ø ù éä ø ù é (regular verb) : là động từ khi thành lập thì quá khứ đơn 
(simple past) hay quá khứ phân từ (past paticiple) ta chỉ cần thêm –ED vào sau động 
từ đó. 
- I opened the door this morning. (simple past ) 
- I have opened the door. (past participle) 
* Động từ bất qui tắcä ø á éä ø á éä ø á é (irregular verb) : là động từ có hình thức quá khứ (xem cột 
2 của bảng động từ bất qui tắc) và quá khứ phân từ (xem cột 3) riêng. 
to go went gone 
to write wrote written 
to run ran run 
to hit hit hit 
- He went to the cinema last night. (simple past ) 
- He has gone out. (past participle) 
Động từ thường có chung đặc điểmä ø ø ù ë åä ø ø ù ë åä ø ø ù ë å là khi đổi sang thể phủ định và nghi vấn ta phải 
dùng động từ trợ “to do”. Ta thêm NOT vào sau các động từ trợ ở thể phủ định và đưa 
động từ trợ ra đầu câu nếu ở thể nghi vấn. 
- He did not go to the pub last night. 
- Did he go to the cinema last night ? 
- I do not like tea. 
- Do you enjoy classical music ? 
- She does not know the answer. 
- Does he understand the lesson ? 
* Động từ “to do” vừa là động từ thường vừa là động từ trợ. 
- He does his homework. (động từ thường) 
- He does not understand the lesson. (động từ trợ) 
 Thì biểu thị thời gian và trạng thái của hành động được diễn đạt bằng động từ. 
Có 12 thì ở dạng chủ động của động từ tiếng Anh. Để hiểu được hình thái của các thì, 
ta có thể nghiên cứu cách chia động từ TO WORK trong bảng dưới đây : 
 Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect continuous 
- I (You / We / 
They) work 
- He (She / It) 
- I am working 
- He (She / It) is 
- You (We / They) 
are working 
- I (You / We / 
They) have worked 
- He (She / It) has 
- I (You / We / 
They) have been 
- He ( She / It) has 
been working 
Past - I (You / He / 
She / It / We / 
They) worked 
- I (He / She / It) 
was working 
- You (We / They) 
were working 
- I (You / He / She / 
It / We / They) had 
- I (You / He / She / 
It / We / They) had 
been working 
Future - I (We) shall 
- You (He / 
She / it / They) 
will work 
- I (We) shall be 
- You (He / She / It 
/ They) will be 
- I (We) shall have 
- You (He / She / it / 
They) will have 
- I (We) shall have 
been working 
- You (He / She / It / 
They) will have 
been working 
Tiếng Anh có hai thì hiện tại mà đa số các em học sinh hay lẫn lộn cách sử dụng. 
Đó là thì hiện tại đơn (Simple Present) và thì hiện tại tiếp diễn (Present Continuous). 
* Thì Simple Present được dùng để chỉ một hành động diễn ra trong thời gian nói 
chung, không nhất thiết phải là thời gian ở hiện tại. Thời gian nói chung là thời gian 
mà sự việc diễn ra mỗi ngày (every day), mỗi tuần (every week), mỗi tháng (e ...  so much 
noise last night. 
 7/ We enjoyed our holiday but we were rather disappointed __________ the hotel. 
 8/ I was surprised __________ the way he behaved. It was quite out of character. 
 9/ She doesn’t often go out at night. She’s afraid __________ the dark. 
 10/ I’ve been trying to learn Spanish but I’m not satisfied __________ my progress. 
 11/ Jill starts her new job on Monday. She’s quite excited __________ it. 
 12/ I was shocked __________ what you said. You should be ashamed __________ 
 13/ Did you know that Linda is engaged __________ a friend of mine ? 
 14/ I had never seen so many people before. I was astonished __________ the crowds. 
 15/ Bill has been doing the same job for too long. He’s bored __________ it. 
 16/ These days everybody is aware __________ the dangers of smoking. 
 17/ Are you still upset __________ what I said to you yesterday ? 
 18/ She’s quite nice but I wouldn’t like to be married __________ her. 
 19/ I’m hopeless __________ repairing things. 
 20/ I’m not very good __________ tennis. 
 21/ I’d rather not go to an Indian restaurant. I’m not very keen __________ Indian 
 22/ I’m sorry __________ the smell in this room. It’s just been painted. 
 23/ The police are responsible __________ maintaining law and order. 
 24/ Ann is very fond __________ her younger brother. 
 25/ Britain certainly isn’t famous __________ its food. 
 26/ This place is always very lively at night. It’s usually crowded __________ people. 
 27/ That man’s very honest. He isn’t capable __________ telling a lie. 
 28/ Our house is similar __________ theirs – I think ours is a bit larger. 
 29/ I felt sorry __________ the children when we went on holiday.It rained very hard 
and we had to spend most of the time indoors. 
 30/ Bill and I come from the same town but my accent is different __________ his. 
EXERCISE IV : Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions : 
1. Mr. Smith is very kind ________ us. 
2. He is different ________ his wife. 
3. We are pleased ________ the result of our work. 
4. We are confident ________ the success. 
5. Most people are afraid ________ snakes. 
6. Our country is rich ________ natural resources. 
7. Hue city is famous ________ its historical vestiges. 
8. My mother is always busy ________ her housework. 
9. Dirty air is harmful ________ our health. 
10. We are proud ________ our people’s heroic tradition. 
11. The teacher’s advice is profitable ________ the students. 
12. The streets are crowded ________ vehicles at the rush hour. 
13. The climate of our city is favourable ________ agriculture. 
14. The air at the seaside is good ________ health. 
15. My friend is good ________ maths and physics. 
16. John is skilful ________ dancing. 
17. This opportunity is lucky ________ us. 
18. I’m not accquainted ________ those fellows. 
19. Mr. Smith is not accustomed ________ hot weather. 
20. Your words are contrary ________ your acts. 
21. My home is far ________ school. 
22. He is sad ________ his son’s laziness. 
23. Many young people want to be independent ________ their parents. 
24. We are grateful ________ our teacher. 
25. I’m interested ________ current events. 
26. Your profession is similar ________ mine. 
27. This chemical is dangerous ________ humans. 
28. This work is not suitable ________ him. 
29. Her voice sounds familiar ________ me. 
30. This student is eager ________ study. 
31. My house is next ________ the post office. 
32. This man is greedy ________ fame. 
33. I was absent ________ class yesterday. 
34. Children are fond ________ candies. 
35. The beach is full ________. tourists in summer. 
36. We are present ________ the lecture yesterday. 
37. We must hurry, otherwise we should be late ________ school. 
38. Air is necessary ________ life. 
39. He is friendly ________ everybody. 
40. This sweater will keep your safe ________ the cold. 
Cách biến đổi câu là cách ta viết lại câu theo một cấu trúc mới (thường được cho trước) mà 
không thay đổi nghĩa của câu ban đầu. 
 * Ví dụ 1 : ïïï Hãy viết lại câu sau đây : 
- He didn’t go to school yesterday because he was ill. 
  Because of 
Theo ví dụ trên, ta viết lại câu bằng “Because of” , có nghĩa là ta biến mệnh đề “ he was 
ill” thành một cụm từ, vì sau “because of” ta phải dùng một cụm từ. Như vậy, câu viết lại có 
thể là : 
 Because of his illness, he didn’t go to school yesterday. 
Hoặc  Because of being ill, he didn’t go to school yesterday. 
Hoặc  Because of his being ill, he didn’t go to school yesterday. 
 * Ví dụ 2 ïïï : Hãy viết lại câu sau đây : 
- They built that house a century ago. 
 That house 
Theo ví dụ trên, câu viết lại bắt đầu bằng “That house” – một túc từ – có nghĩa là ta viết 
lại câu này ở dạng bị động (passive voice). Như vậy, câu viết lại như sau : 
 That house was built a century ago. 
 * Ví dụ 3 :ïïï Hãy viết lại câu sau đây : 
- He didn’t go out because he didn’t have time. 
Theo ví dụ trên, câu viết lại bắt đầu bằng “If”, có nghĩa là ta viết lại câu này thành câu 
điều kiện không có thật ở quá khứ (loại 3) vì thì của động từ ở quá khứ. Câu viết lại như sau : 
 If he had had time, he would have gone out. 
* Ví dụ 4 :ïïï Hãy viết lại câu sau đây : 
- The last time I saw her was five years ago. 
 I haven’t 
Theo ví dụ trên, câu viết lại sẽ ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành vì câu bắt đầu bằng “I haven’t” 
 I haven’t seen her for five years. 
(ago không được dùng ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành, nên ta dùng for để thay thế.) 
 * Ví dụ 5 ïïï : Hãy viết lại câu sau đây : 
- His house is bigger than mine. 
 My house isn’t 
Theo ví dụ trên, câu viết lại sẽ chuyển thành dạng so sánh bằng ở thể phủ định. 
 My house isn’t as big as his. 
Hay My house isn’t so big as his (house). 
EXERCISE I: Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings: 
 1/ His father is taller than his mother. 
 - His mother is not _______________________________________ 
 2/ Tom didn’t come to the party. Ann didn’t come to the party, either. 
 - Neither Tom _______________________________________ 
 3/ Although the traffic was bad, I arrived on time. 
 - In spite of _________________________________________ 
 4/ If you have a car, you are able to travel around more easily. 
 - Having a car enables __________________________________ 
 5/ The sudden noise caused me to jump. 
 - The sudden noise made _________________________________ 
 6/ My father said I could use his car. 
 - My father allowed ______________________________________ 
 7/ She wouldn’t allow me to read the letter. 
 - She wouldn’t let _______________________________________ 
 8/ Tom is ill. He became ill three days ago. 
 - Tom has _____________________________________________ 
 9/ I can’t give up smoking, but I’d like to. 
 - I wish________________________________________________ 
 10/ She often writes to him and he often writes to her. 
 - They ________________________________________________ 
 11/ If you don’t hurry, you’ll be late. 
 - Unless _______________________________________________ 
 12/ Jane is a better cook than Mary. 
 - Mary can’t ____________________________________________ 
 13/ Jack is too young to get married. 
 - Jack is not _____________________________________________ 
 14/ I don’t really want to go to the museum. 
 - I’d rather ______________________________________________ 
 15/ Despite taking a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert. 
 - Although ______________________________________________ 
 16/ She made herself ill because she worked very hard. 
 - She worked so __________________________________________ 
 17/ The book was so good that I couldn’t put it down. 
 - It was such _____________________________________________ 
 18/ Nobody can solve this problem. 
 - This problem ___________________________________________ 
 19/ The man injured in the accident was taken to the hospital. 
 - The man who ___________________________________________ 
 20/ That girl is very beautiful. 
 - What __________________________________________________ 
 21/ Bill is not old enough to drive a car. 
 - Bill is too _______________________________________________ 
 22/ His house is not as comfortable as hers. 
 - Her house is _____________________________________________ 
 23/ It is said that he is 108 years old. 
 - He is said ________________________________________________ 
 24/ Tom said : “I’m feeling ill.” 
 - Tom said that _____________________________________________ 
 25/ I got all the information I need from Tom. 
 - Tom provided _____________________________________________ 
 26/ Ann said to Bill : “Don’t forget to have your appoinment with Mr.Brown.” 
 - Ann reminded _____________________________________________ 
 27/ They don’t understand him because he doesn’t speak clearly. 
 - If _______________________________________________________ 
 28/ She didn’t buy the coat because she didn’t have enough money. 
 - If _______________________________________________________ 
 29/ She was very stupid when she went out in the rain. 
 - It was ____________________________________________________ 
 30/ I am always nervous when I travel by air. 
 - Travelling by air _____________________________________________ 
 31/ The last time I saw her was in 1985. 
 - I haven’t ___________________________________________________ 
 32/ That meal was excellent. 
 - How ______________________________________________________ 
 33/ That factory is producing more and more pollution. 
 - More and more pollution ______________________________________ 
 34/ We must leave now or we’ll miss the train. 
 - If _________________________________________________________ 
 35/ She is a faster and more careless driver than I am. 
 - She drives __________________________________________________ 
 36/ How old do you think this building is ? 
 - When do you think ___________________________________________ 
 37/ He is sorry now that he didn’t invite Jane to his party. 
 - He wishes __________________________________________________ 
 38/ This furniture is so old that it is not worth keeping. 
 - This is _____________________________________________________ 
 39/ We spent five hours getting to London. 
 - It _________________________________________________________ 
 40/ When I arrived in London, I wrote a letter home. 
 - On ________________________________________________________ 
 41/ I hope to see you at Christmas. 
 - I’m looking forward ___________________________________________ 
 42/ I’ve never seen such a mess in my life. 
 - Never in my life ______________________________________________ 
 43/ Don’t try to escape. It’s no use. 
 - It’s no use __________________________________________________ 
 44/ It won’t be difficult to get a ticket for the concert. 
 - You won’t have any __________________________________________ 
 45/ Whose is this handbag ? 
 - Who _______________________________________________________ 
EXERCISE II : Rewrite these sentences as directed : 
1. The number of discontented young men is increasing considerably. The reason for 
situation is that they haven’t been given vocational guidance at home or in the school. 
(Combine these two sentences, using “The reason why... ”) 
2. He doesn’t speak much English. Only _________ words. 
(Use an adjective of quantity). 
3. Adolescents haven’t been give vocational guidance at home or in the school. 
(change to the Active voice). 
4. Most school leavers are badly prepared for employment. They know very little about 
their future work. 
(Use “so ..... that” to combine them). 
5. Seldom did people travel far from home years ago. 
(Use the ordinary word order). 
6. My brother is a factory worker. He talked with you yesterday. 
(Combine into one sentence). 
7. That scientific discovery was so important that it has affected every man’s way of life 
ever since. 
(Use “such” instead of “so”). 
8. She asked him, “Do you like your job ?”. 
(Write in the Reported speech). 
9. The students have suggested that they should be given more employment guidance. 
(Use Gerund as Object). 
10. He was given a gift. So were you. 
(Join into one sentence, using “as well as”). 
11. My sister has already got married. So has my brother. 
(Join into one sentence, using “both ... and”). 
12. I don’t have any interesting book. I can’t lend you any. 
(Reduce into one sentence, using an infinitive instead of a clause). 
13. They desire to have good jobs. 
(Use a noun instead of verb “desire”). 
14. What you (do) if you had attended the meeting ? 
(Supply the correct verb form). 
15. Mr. Nam is an experienced doctor. He saved my brother from death. 
(Combine into one sentence, using Relative pronoun). 
EXERCISE III: Rewrite these sentences as directed : 
1. Because of his love for teaching, David would continue his teaching career. 
(Use “because” instead of “because of”) 
2. Upon completion of his apprenticeship at the construction company, he worked for a 
small garage to get more experience. 
(Use an Adverb clause instead of a prepositional phrase). 
3. Only when they have chosen a right career can they devote themselves to their jobs. 
(Use the ordinary order). 
4. He was given a chance to stay on at this garage for six more months to see how he got 
on. (Change to the Active voice). 
5. It always requires of man best efforts to overcome every difficulty in life. 
(Use a gerund as Subject). 
6. This maths problem is too difficult. He can’t solve it. 
(Reduce into one sentence, using an infinitive instead of a clause). 
7. She hasn’t done her homework. I haven’t done my homework. 
(Join into one sentence, using “Neither ... nor”). 
8. She has little knowledge of English Grammar. 
(Transform the sentence using a verb instead of the knowledge). 
9. Do you want to play football ? (Use “enjoy” instead of “want”). 
10. She worked hard so she got high wages. 
(Make a conditional sentence contrary to this fact). 
11. It doesn’t rain enough. The plants don’t grow properly. 
(Combine into one sentence, using “enough ... to”). 
12. “How long will it take us to go to My Tho by car ?” 
I don’t know it. 
(Combine into one sentence, using an indirect question). 
13. She said she didn’t mind rode her bicycle to school. 
(Use a gerund as Object of he verb). 
14. Some people think that it would be hard work to conserve natural resources. 
(Use a gerund as Subject). 
15. He paid little attention to his teacher’s explanation. (Make a question of quantity). 

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