Passive Voice Tenses

I. Underline the correct form active or passive of the verbs in brackets

1. Some new equipment (has ordered -has been ordered ) by the company.

 2. Somebody (calls -is called ) the President everyday .

 3. These artificial flowers (make -are made) of silk .

4. Nothing (has done-has been done) .

5. A lot of money (spends -is spent) on advertising .

6. This room (uses -is used) only on special occasions .

7. The old theatre (is being pulled - pulls ) down .

8. My bicycle (stole -was stolen) yesterday .


Passive Voice Tenses trang 1

Trang 1

Passive Voice Tenses trang 2

Trang 2

Passive Voice Tenses trang 3

Trang 3

Passive Voice Tenses trang 4

Trang 4

Passive Voice Tenses trang 5

Trang 5

Passive Voice Tenses trang 6

Trang 6

Passive Voice Tenses trang 7

Trang 7

Passive Voice Tenses trang 8

Trang 8

Passive Voice Tenses trang 9

Trang 9

Passive Voice Tenses trang 10

Trang 10

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Passive Voice Tenses

Passive Voice Tenses
 Active : Jane cleans the floor every day . 
 Passive : The floor is cleaned by Jane everyday . 
 S V O 
 S + IS / AM / ARE + PP + ( BY O ) 
Simple present : 
Active : Jane is cleaning the floor now . 
Passive : The floor is being cleaned by Jane now. 
Present continuous 
S + IS / AM / ARE + BEING + PP 
Simple past 
Active : Jane cleaned the floor yesterday . 
Passive : The floor was cleaned by Jane yesterday . 
S + WAS / WERE + PP 
Past continuous 
 Active : Jane was cleaning the floor when I arrived . 
Passive : The floor was being cleaned by Jane when I arrived . 
Present perfect 
Active : The floor looks nice . Jane has cleaned it. 
Passive : The floor looks nice . It has been cleaned by Jane . 
Past perfect 
Active : The floor looked much better . Jane had cleaned it . 
Passive : The room looked much better . It had been cleaned by Jane. 
S + HAD + BEEN + PP 
Simple future 
Active : The floor looks dirty . Jane will clean it tomorrow. 
Passive : The floor looks dirty . It will be cleaned by Jane tomorrow . 
S + WILL + BE + PP 
I. Underline the correct form active or passive of the verbs in brackets 
 1. Some new equipment (has ordered -has been ordered ) by the company. 
 2. Somebody (calls -is called ) the President everyday . 
 3. These artificial flowers (make -are made) of silk . 
4. Nothing (has done-has been done) . 
5. A lot of money (spends -is spent) on advertising . 
6. This room (uses -is used) only on special occasions . 
7. The old theatre (is being pulled - pulls ) down . 
8. My bicycle (stole -was stolen) yesterday . 
II. Give the correct form of the verbs “active or passive” 
1.English (speak) all over the world . 
2. The students (do) the exercises when I came . 
3. I (not / allow) to go out last night . 
4. All main courses (serve) with vegetables and salad . 
5. HCM city (call) “the Pearl of the Far East” . 
6. Clothes and food (just / carry) to the flooded area. 
7. Who (invent) the generator . 
8. More money (spend) on food now than it 
 (spend) years ago . 
is spoken 
were doing 
wasn’t allowed 
are served 
is called 
have just been carried 
is being spent 
was spent 
III. Complete the conversation with the correct voice of the verbs in brackets 
Tom : What are the police doing , Lan ? 
Lan : I think , they (investigate) the bank robbery which (take) place last week , but so far nothing (discover) . 
Tom : Oh ! really ? 
are investigating 
has been discovered 
 III. Change the following sentences into passive voice 
1. They sell a special kind of tea here . 
2. They have searched all the cars and trucks . 
3. The English government put him in prison last year . 
4. Her parents will meet us at the station tomorrow . 
5. Mr Brown is holding a meeting in the hall . 
A special kind of tea is sold here . 
All the cars and trucks have been searched . 
He was put in prison by the English government last year . 
We will be met at the station by her parents tomorrow . 
A meeting is being held in the hall by Mr Brown . 
They built this building in 1970. 
Building / build 
This building was built in 1970 . 
A few letters 
The postman is collecting a few letters . 
A few letters are being collected by the postman . 
The postman is delivering some newspapers . 
Some newspapers are being delivered by the postman . 
Heavy bag 
Mary is carrying a heavy bag . 
A heavy bag is being carried by Mary. 
Mr Brown 
Mr Brown has already drawn a picture . 
A picture has already been drawn by Mr Brown . 
Tom often kisses his mother . 
His mother is often kissed by Tom . 
They are moving a sofa to the next room . 
A sofa is being moved to the next room . 
Lan is picking a flower . 
A flower is being picked by Lan . 
The workman repairs cars everyday . 
Cars are repaired by the workman everyday. 
This woman sweeps the streets everyday . 
The streets are swept by this woman everyday . 
Thank you very much 

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