Numerical investigation of force transmission in granular media using discrete element method
Abstract. In this paper, a numerical Discrete Element Method (DEM) model was calibrated to investigate the transmission of force in granular media. To this aim, DEM simulation was performed for reproducing the behavior of a given granular material under
uniform compression. The DEM model was validated by comparing the obtained shear
stress/normal stress ratio with results published in the available literature. The network
of contact forces was then computed, showing the arrangement of the material microstructure under applied loading. The number and distribution of the contacts force were also
examined statistically, showing that the macroscopic behavior of the granular medium
highly depended on the force chain network. The DEM model could be useful in exploring the mechanical response of granular materials under different loadings and boundary
Keywords: granular mechanics, discrete element method, force chain, compression test.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Numerical investigation of force transmission in granular media using discrete element method

Vietnam Journal of Mechanics, VAST, Vol.42, No. 2 (2020), pp. 153 – 171 DOI: NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF FORCE TRANSMISSION IN GRANULAR MEDIA USING DISCRETE ELEMENT METHOD Thong Chung Nguyen1, Lu Minh Le1, Hai-Bang Ly2, Tien-Thinh Le3,∗ 1Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi, Vietnam 2University of Transport Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam 3Duy Tan University, Da Nang, Vietnam ∗E-mail: Received: 19 January 2020 / Published online: 10 May 2020 Abstract. In this paper, a numerical Discrete Element Method (DEM) model was cali- brated to investigate the transmission of force in granular media. To this aim, DEM sim- ulation was performed for reproducing the behavior of a given granular material under uniform compression. The DEM model was validated by comparing the obtained shear stress/normal stress ratio with results published in the available literature. The network of contact forces was then computed, showing the arrangement of the material microstruc- ture under applied loading. The number and distribution of the contacts force were also examined statistically, showing that the macroscopic behavior of the granular medium highly depended on the force chain network. The DEM model could be useful in explor- ing the mechanical response of granular materials under different loadings and boundary conditions. Keywords: granular mechanics, discrete element method, force chain, compression test. 1. INTRODUCTION A granular medium is composed of separate particles that move without depen- dence and interact with other particles via contact points [1]. Typical granular materials could be found in civil engineering, such as geotechnical engineering, mining or energy production, chemical, pharmaceutical, and agricultural industries [2–4]. Research and development of machinery/device for processing granular materials have been consid- erably increased over the past ten years, requiring above all a good knowledge of inter- actions between particulate systems itself and with machine parts [5]. For instance, the coefficient of friction has been introduced, measured to characterize the dissipation of en- ergy when the particles collide [6]. These particulate interactions have been investigated for many years using analytical, semi-analytical, or experimental approaches [3,7,8]. De- spite all the efforts, it is not always possible to carry out a large number of configurations c 2020 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology 154 Thong Chung Nguyen, Lu Minh Le, Hai-Bang Ly, Tien-Thinh Le taking into account all the possible parameters [6]. Moreover, experimental works might not have the required ability to investigate the local interactions, particularly in terms of transmission of stress, collapse of force chain under deformation and so on [9]. It clearly showed that a more robust manner is thus required for better understanding and charac- terizing the mechanical properties of granular materials [10]. From a numerical simulation point of view, the mechanics of granular media can be modeled by either continuum [11–13] or discrete [14–16] approaches. More precisely, in a discrete approach, the Discrete Element Method (DEM) has been primarily employed to simulate granular materials [10, 17]. As an example, Than et al. [18] have developed a DEM model for investigating the plastic response of wet granular material under com- pression. Also, based on DEM technique, Xie et al. [19] have pointed out the influence of interlayer on the strength and deformation of layered rock specimens in uniaxial tests. 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Three tests were finally conducted, as shown in Fig. A1(b) for displacement - compression force curves. The breakage of particles was observed at 50-70 N for most of the particles (i.e., a shortening higher than 1.5 mm compared to the average particle diameter of 6.24 mm). It should be noticed that the critical value should also be selected based on the germination 15 rate of particlesNguyen afterChung being Thong, deformed Le Minh (i.e., Lu, higher Ly Hai than Bang 85-90%). and Le Tien Consequently, Thinh 50 N was finally chosenNguyen as a critical Chung breakageThong, Le forceMinh Lu, of soybeanLy Hai Bang particles. and Le Tien Thinh 15 (a) (b) Fig. A1. Measurement of critical breakage force of particles: (a) compression test, (b) displacement - Fig.Fig. A1 A1. .Measurement Measurement of ofcritical critical breakage breakagecompression force force of ofparticles:force particles: curve. (a) (a)compression compression test, test, (b) (b)displacement displacement - compression- compression force force curve. curve REFERENCES [1] P.A. Cundall, O.D.L. Strack, A discrete numericalREFERENCES model for granular assemblies, Géotechnique. 29 (1979) 47–65. [1] P.A. Cundall, O.D.L. Strack, A discrete numerical model for granular assemblies, Géotechnique. 29 (1979) 47[2]– 65.V.T. Tran, F.-V. Donzé, P. Marin, A discrete element model of concrete under high triaxial loading, Cement and Concrete Composites. 33 (2011) 936–948. [2] V.T. Tran, F.-V. Donzé, P. Marin, A discrete element model of concrete under high triaxial loading, Cement [3] Z. Kaliniewicz, Z. Żuk, A relationship between friction plate roughness and the external friction angle of and Concretewheat Composites. kernels, International 33 (2011) 936 Journal–948. of Food Properties. 20 (2017)mp.2011.01.003. S2409–S2417. [3] Z. Kaliniewicz, Z. 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