Improve your writing 4.5-6.0

5 Find examples of adverbs ending in -ly used in the text in exercise 4.

6 Choose the most suitable adverb in sentences a-h.


The trend for other countries was completely/well different.

Government investment rose signijicantlylhighl!y.

a The government's spending for the past year was significantly/well higher than before.

b Women have been consistently/deeply under-represented in science jobs.

c Workers in highly/lowly/considerably paidjobs are generally healthier.

d The company's sales are slightly/much behind its competitors.

e Sales were marginally/deeply up on the previous quarter.

f Investment in the arts rose quite considerably/slightly/seriously.

g Slightly/Approximately/Well half the spending was from the private sector.

h The income for the arts centre was substantially/much/highly down on the

previous year.

7 Match the adverbs a-g below with their opposites 1-7.

a well 1 rapidly

b marginally 2 slightly

c approximately 3 exactly

d constantly 4 badly

e slowly 5 considerably

f significantly 6 partially

g completely 7 erratically

Improve your writing 4.5-6.0 trang 1

Trang 1

Improve your writing 4.5-6.0 trang 2

Trang 2

Improve your writing 4.5-6.0 trang 3

Trang 3

Improve your writing 4.5-6.0 trang 4

Trang 4

Improve your writing 4.5-6.0 trang 5

Trang 5

Improve your writing 4.5-6.0 trang 6

Trang 6

Improve your writing 4.5-6.0 trang 7

Trang 7

Improve your writing 4.5-6.0 trang 8

Trang 8

Improve your writing 4.5-6.0 trang 9

Trang 9

Improve your writing 4.5-6.0 trang 10

Trang 10

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Improve your writing 4.5-6.0

Improve your writing 4.5-6.0
and sciences 
TASK1 sm aclvems 
sing aclveitis o evaluate ffata 
�vo1Hing rrelevance 
Task 1 Using adverbs 
1 Describe the cartoon and think about the meaning.
2 Read these conflicting views about scientists moving to rich coW1tries.
Answer questions a-c. 
The 'brain drain' of skilled 
workers like scientists 
and technicians to rich 
economies is morally wrong. 
a Which view do you most agree with? 
People should have greater 
freedom to work where 
they want. Surely, it's a 
personal matter. 
b Is this 'brain drain' a new phenomenon, or has it been around for a 
long time? 
c Should something be done about the situation or is it unstoppable? 
Arts and sciences 
3 Read the Task 1 question below. Answer questions a-e.
Task 1 
The chart shows sources of funding for research and development (R&D) in the 
UKfrom 2010 to 2012. The table below shows the percentage of national income 
spent on R&D for a range of countries. 
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and 
make comparisons where relevant. 
Sources of funding for R&D in the UK 
■ Government
2010 ■ Business
■ Overseas
% 0 10 20 30 40 50 
Proportion of national income allocated to R&D (2012) 
UK USA I Germany France Italy Japan EU average 
1.82% 2.75% 2.3% 1.1% 2.9% 1.81% 
I 2.4% -
----- ��- �=·- --- _e �� 
a What general trend can you see in the chart? 
b What general pattern can you see in the table? 
c Which is clearly the main source of funding in the bar chart? 
d Which piece of data in the table can you use as a standard for comparison? 
e Which pieces of information in the table are significant? 
4 Complete the text below with verbs from the box. The first one has been done for you.
rose ■ contributed (x 2) ■ was ■ overtook • was spent ■ is shown ■ came • siwws· 
Use adverbs to 
describe adjectives 
and verbs. They help 
to make your answer 
clearer. Record useful 
collocations with 
verb-adverb and 
The chart 1 fh,gWf information about the main sources of funding for scientific research and 
development (R&D) in the UK. The proportion of national income spent on R&D by country 
2 -------in the table. 
Between 20 IO and 2012, the amount of funding allocated from each source 3 ------- very slightly. 
Approximately half of all investment throughout the period 4 ------- from business, while the 
government consistently 5 _______ around seventeen per cent. It is also noticeable that in 20 I 0 
overseas spending on R&D in the UK was comparable to the government's, at around I 7 per cent. But for the 
last two years it 6 _______ government spending in this area. 
As regards the proportion ofnational income allocated to R&D, the highest percentage (2.9 per cent) 
7 ------by Japan, followed closely by the USA (2.75 per cent). By contrast, Italy 8
the smallest amount of national income to R&D, only 1.1 per cent, significantly below the EU average of 1.81 per cent. 
It is worth noting that, although the UK's spending on R&D 9 _______ above the EU average in 
2012, it is considerably behind other close trading partners France and Germany. 
Unit 7 
5 Find examples of adverbs ending in -ly used in the text in exercise 4.
6 Choose the most suitable adverb in sentences a-h.
The trend for other countries was completely/well different. 
Government investment rose signijicantlylhighl!y. 
a The government's spending for the past year was significantly/well higher than before. 
b Women have been consistently/deeply under-represented in science jobs. 
c Workers in highly/lowly/considerably paid jobs are generally healthier. 
d The company's sales are slightly/much behind its competitors. 
e Sales were marginally/deeply up on the previous quarter. 
f Investment in the arts rose quite considerably/slightly/seriously. 
g Slightly/Approximately/Well half the spending was from the private sector. 
h The income for the arts centre was substantially/much/highly down on the 
previous year. 
7 Match the adverbs a-g below with their opposites 1-7. 
a well 1 rapidly 
b marginally 2 slightly 
c approximately 3 exactly 
d constantly 4 badly 
e slowly 5 considerably 
f significantly 6 partially 
g completely 7 erratically 
Using adverbs to evaluate data 
1 Look again at the text in exercise 4 on page 55. Which phrases are used to introduce sentences instead
of noticeably? 
2 Rewrite each sentence a-g using an adverb or starting with It.
Clearly, the trend is upward. 
It is clear that the trend is upward. 
a It is significant that the number of scientists per head of population has declined in recent years. 
b Obviously, the sales failed to recover. 
It __________________________________ _ 
c It is probable that numbers will continue to fall over the period. 
d Clearly, there were skill shortages in the chemical industry. 
It ____________________ ... develop their economies and 
so it would be difficult to persuade many of them to change their policies. 
However, I think that 8 _______ needs to be taken and perhaps 
financial 9 from richer countries would help. 
4 Are the nouns in the list below countable or uncountable? 
animal ■ information ■ nature ■ climate ■ accommodation 
knowledge ■ research ■ weather ■ tree ■ idea ■ situation ■ fact 
5 Look again at the paragraph in exercise 3. Are the answers countable or uncountable? 
6 Add alan, the, or no article to sentences a-h. 
The plastic bottles that I threw out yesterday have been taken away for recycling. 
Plastic bottles are now being made of __ biodegradable materials. (no article)
Use would or the 
second conditional 
to talk about a 
measure and its 
imagined effects. 
a __ knowledge about the environment can be found in __ books and on the Internet. 
b __ energy can be generated from biofuels. 
c Trees help to protect __ soil by conserving water. 
d Newspapers now use __ high percentage of -- recycled paper. 
e Looking after __ nature is important for all of us. 
f It is better to see animals in __ wild than in captivity. 
g __ solution to the problem is to fine people for dropping -- rubbish. 
h __ new plastic containers which I bought last week are not harmful for the 
environment as they are biodegradable. 
7 In each extract a-f, there is one mistake relating to articles. Correct the mistakes by
adding and/or deleting a word. 
Animals like chimpanzees and apes should not be used for the experiments. 
a Wave power technology is the best answer to the problem of pollution. However, the 
introduction of such technology also creates the different problem. 
b Governments worldwide should tax the cars more. A measure like this would make 
people think more about nature. 
c In near future, houses will be more energy-efficient than they are now. 
d Food industry could pay for recycled bottles as was done in the past. The bottles 
would then not be thrown away. 
e Insects like the bees, for example, play a vital role in most ecosystems. The bee 
pollinates plants and flowers. 
f The facilities like dams and forests are also used for leisure. 
Writing conclusions 
1 Read the two Task 2 questions below. Then decide which question each sentence
a-g relates to. Write 1 or 2 next to each sentence.
1 Pollution from aircraft is one of the main/actors responsible/or global warming. 
What measures could be taken to reduce this source of climate change? 
2 When a country becomes richer, the natural environment suffers. It is not possible 
for a country to both develop its economy and protect the environment. To what 
extent do you agree or disagree? 
a This means that in the short term we will just have to accept paying higher 
prices for flights and travelling less. 
b In conclusion, I do not agree that developing a country's economy has to 
involve destroying the natural world. 
c If this type of eco-friendly business is encouraged, then there is no reason 
why a healthy economy and a healthy environment cannot exist together. 
d All in all, I feel that imposing higher taxes on airlines is unavoidable. 
e It is true that some businesses move into new areas with no regard for their 
effect on the environment. 
f We can certainly investigate ways of making aircraft technology cleaner, 
but we do not know how long they will take to develop. 
g However, there are many examples of local businesses which depend on 
and support the local environment. 
Always write a 
conclusion to 
your answer. The 
conclusion needs 
to reflect the 
introduction and 
summarize the 
contents of the 
essay very briefly. It 
states your opinion, 
if necessary, or your 
most important idea, 
and reminds the 
reader of how you 
argued in favour of it. 
Unit 8 
2 The sentences in exercise 1 on page 67 form concluding paragraphs to the task. Write out the two
paragraphs with the sentences in the best order, following the frameworks below. 
Question 1 
Statement of most important measure: 
Another possible measure and why it is less effective: 
Restatement of most important measure and its consequences: 
Question 2 
Statement of opinion: 
Reference to the opposite view: 
Reason against the opposite view: 
Restatement of opinion: 
3 Look at the underlined phrases in the sentences in exercise 1 on page 67. For each one, choose two
alternatives with a similar meaning from the box below. 
to sum up ■ I believe ■ of course ■ I would argue that ■ in general ■ no doubt 
I do not accept ■ all things considered ■ to conclude ■ I disagree with the idea that 
4 Your conclusion must be clear but you need to avoid making claims that sound too strong.
One way to avoid this is to talk about possibilities using the phrase There is rw reason why 
+ negative. Read the example then change sentences a-d in a similar way.
A healthy economy and a healthy environment can exist together. 
There is no reason why a healthy economy and a healthy environment cannot 
exist together. 
a Local eco-friendly businesses can be successful. 
b People could take more holidays at home instead of always flying abroad. 
c People could travel by fast train instead of taking short flights. 
d Governments should give special financial support to eco-friendly business people. 
Practice Test 8 
Task 1 
You slwuld spend about 20 minutes on this task. 
The table below shows the projected costings over the next jive years in American dollars 
for three environmental projects for sustainable forestry. The pie chart shows the expected 
expenditure breakdown allocationfor the first year as the projects are set up. 
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the mainfeatures, and make 
comparisons where relevant. 
Write at !,east 150 words. 
2020 2021 
West Africa 10.5 million 7.5 million 
Central 20 million 12 million 
South-east 30 million 20 million 
Projected expenditure in Year 1 
■ Set-up costs 
■ Salaries 
■ Office expenses 
■ Training
2022 2023 2024 
2.5 million 2.5 million 3.5 million 
5 million 5 million 5 million 
40 million 50 million 50 million 
You slwuld spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: 
More and more city workers are deciding to live in the country and travel into work every day. 
The result is increased troJJic congestion and damage to the environment. 
What measures do you think could be taken to encourage people not to travel such long 
distances into work? 
Give reasons for your answer and include any re!,evant examp!,es from your own /rnow/,edge or experience. 
Write at !,east 250 words. 
Task 2 Checklist 
1 Decide which measures could be put together or 
developed into a paragraph. 
2 Write a short introduction developing the topic. 
3 Write two or three paragraphs, giving details about 
a possible measure in each one. 
4 Use trigger phrases like We could encourage people to 
travel less by . .. , People would travel less if . .. , to get 
some ideas for possible measures. 
5 Use trigger words like for example to introduce some 
6 Write a conclusion summarizing the most important 
measure and/or why the problem is important. 
 P.araptirasing na usm 
synon ms 
CliecKmg p_;gll 
Task 1 Paraphrasing and using synonyms 
1 Think of at least one positive and negative effect of each of the developments in
health provision in the pictures below. Mention consequences such as cost and 
relaxed atmosphere. 
2 Answer these questions about hospitals and health care.
a What are the main priorities of health care in your country? 
b How is health care delivered in your home country? If you want to consult 
a doctor, what do you do? 
c Are medicines free or do you have to pay for them? 
d What effect has technology had on medical care in your country? 
3 Read the Task 1 question on page 71. Then answer questions a-e below.
a What general statement can you make about the whole graph? Look at the 
description and the graph itself. 
b What general statement can you make about the French hospital? 
c What general statement can you make about the Ukrainian hospital? 
d How can you link the pie charts to the graph? 
e How could you use these words to describe the graph? 
trend ■ upward ■ similar pattern ■ reach a peak ■ except that 
saw a continuous rise ■ change ■ coincide 
Task 1 
The charts below show the average bed use in three typical hospitals 
internationally and the proportion of hospital budgets allocated to 
in-patient care before and after day-surgery was introduced in 2009. 
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, 
and make comparisons where relevant. 
Average bed use for the years 2003-2012 
90 -- Chinese 
<I) 80 
.0 60 
0 50
-- � .......... 
-- Ukrainian 
-- French 
.0 30 
0 T I I I 1 I I I I 
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 
Funds allocated to in-patient care 2008 Funds allocated to in-patient care 2012 
4 Complete the text with words from the box. The first gap has been done for you.
■ impact ■ clear ■ occupancy ■ trend ■ -eetails, 
marked ■ reduction ■ falling ■ significantly ■ rise ■ experienced 
The graph provides 1 det:a.i,« about the average beds in use each year in three similar hospitals 
before and after the introduction of day-care surgery. 
Day-care surgery seems to have had an 2 ______ on bed use in all three hospitals. At the French 
hospital, the figures show an upward 3 ______ over the period from 40 beds in 2003. However, in 
2009 bed 4 ______ had reached a 5 ______ of just under 70 beds, before 
6 ______ back.A similar pattern was repeated for the Ukrainian hospital, except that the decline 
in bed use after 2009 was not so 7 ______ (76 beds in 2009 as against 71 in 2012). 
The Chinese hospital, by comparison, 8 ______ a continual 9 ______ in bed use 
between 2003 and 2012, 71 and 93 respectively. However, we see that after 2010 the rate of increase was 
10 ______ slower than in previous years. 
It is 11 ______ that the fall in bed use coincides with the 12 ______ in the average 
budget at the three hospitals for in-patient care (35 per cent compared to 27 per cent) between 2008 
and 2012. 
Unit 9 
5 Look again at the words in the gaps in exercise 4 on page 71 and choose a synonym 
for each one from the box. You will not use all the words. 
effect ■ use ■ tendency ■ cut ■ considerably ■ low ■ evident 
increase ■ decrease ■ dropping ■ information ■ result 
saw ■ high point ■ sharp ■ dramatically 
6 The descriptions below swnmarize the sentence structure of the text in exercise 4. 
Number the notes in the correct order, based on the sentences in the text. The first 
two have been done for you. 
a General introductory statement. 
b General conclusion based on pie charts. 
c General statement of first main trend, then specific data. 
d General statement about a reinforcing trend, then specific data. 
e Specific statement qualifying the trend, without detail. 
f General statement about the line graph. 
g General statement of contrasting trend, then specific data. 
h Specific statement qualifying the trend, with detail. 
7 For each sentence a-g, there are three alternative phrases to replace the phrase in 
italics. Delete the option which is NOT correct. 
a The graph provides details about bed use. (_gives/says/shows) 
b The introduction of day-care surgery had an impact on bed use. (had an effect 
on/had an effect on/affected ) 
c Bed use reached a peak of just under 70 beds. (reached its highest point/ 
reached a height/hit a peak) 
d A similar pattern was seen in the Ukrainian hospital. (design/trend/ 
e The Chinese hospital, by comparison, continued to see a rise. (by contrast/on 
the other hand/alternatively) 
f The number of beds rose from 40 to around 45. (approximately/about/ 
g There was a reduction in the budget (35 per cent compared to 27 per cent). 
(as opposed to/as against/in contrast with) 
h The change in bed use is reflected in the budget. (can be seen in/can be viewed 
in/can be detected in) 
Keep a record of 
synonyms and 
paraphrases of 
parts of text. 
Aim to use these 
when writing your 
answer to avoid 
repetition. Record 
your synonyms with 
a context and by 
theme if possible. 
Checking spelling 
1 In each group of four words, circle the one which is spelt incorrectly and correct it. 
a therefore opposite befor limit 
b believe achieve recieve brief 
C staying stayed studing studied 
d usefull helpful hopefully carefully 
e personaly practical usually normal 
f efficient sufficent ancient deficient 
g unfortunately improvement definitly management 
h comfortable diffrent temperature interested 
i chaise price increase advice 
j preferred committed refered happened 
2 Look again at your answers in exercise 1. Some of the spellings depend on simple 
rules. What spelling rules explain the misspelt words? Compare your ideas with the 
key on page 110. 
3 Find and correct the spelling mistakes in the following sentences. One of the 
sentences has two spelling mistakes. 
a The numbers declined gradualy and stood at just twenty in 2006. 
b In-patient care took up 25 per cent of the funds, wich was an increase of six per 
cent on the previous year. 
c A number of significant changes occured in the following twenty years. 
d The percentage increased sharply and reached a pick in 2003. 
e The figres rose from approximatly 45,000 to 49,000 over the period. 
f Patient numbers rose steadily for the first ten years, and then flactuated around 
500 for the following decade. 
g The required number of beds exeeded what was anticipated for that year. 
h Most people in the servey thought that more money should be spent on the 
health service. 
4 Read the following extract written by an IELTS student on the number of traffic 
accident victims seen at a local hospital. Find the eight mistakes that he made. 
The averag number of road traffic acidents from cars increased dramaticaly 
between 1995 and the year 2000, rising from a total of 53 to 178 
respectively. Over the next five years, there was a noticeable improvment as 
numbers fell steadilly to a new low point of37 in 2006. As regard motorcycl 
accidents, however, it is clear the trend is upward, with more occuring in this 
category in the later period . 
Make a note of words 
that you have spelt 
wrongly in the past. In 
each word, underline 
the part that you tend 
to get wrong or write/ 
highlight this part in 
another colour. 

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