Fuzzy-Based quantification of congestion for traffic control

Abstract. This paper presents a methodology for appraisal of congestion level for traffic

control on expressways using fuzzy logic. The congestion level indicates the severity of

congestion and is estimated using speed and density, being the basic traffic parameters that

describe state of a traffic stream. Formulation of the fuzzy rule base is made based on

knowledge on traffic flow theory and engineering judgments. Field data on a segment of the

Pan-Island Expressway of Singapore were used to estimate the congestion levels for three

scenarios: single input variable (speed or density) and combined input variables (speed and

density), represented by congestion level on a [0 1] scale. The results showed that there were

big gaps between the congestion levels evaluated based specifically on speed and density

alone (single state variable), and the congestion levels estimated from both variables lie in

between. Given the uncertainty in traffic data collection and dynamic nature of traffic flow,

this indicates that it may be inadequate to evaluate traffic congestion level using a single

variable, and the use of both speed and density represent the state of a traffic stream more

properly. The study results also show that the fuzzy logic approach provides flexible

combination of state variables to obtain the congestion level and to describe gradual transition

of traffic state, which is particularly important under the heavy congested conditions.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Fuzzy-Based quantification of congestion for traffic control

Fuzzy-Based quantification of congestion for traffic control
Transport and Communications Science Journal, Vol. 72, Issue 1 (01/2021), 1-8 
Transport and Communications Science Journal 
Toan Trinh Dinh 
Department for Transportation Engineering, #422 Block A11, Thuy Loi University, 175 Tay 
Son, Dong Da, Hanoi, Vietnam 
TYPE: Research Article 
Received: 5/10/2020 
Revised: 30/10/2020 
Accepted: 6/11/2020 
Published online: 25/01/2021 
* Corresponding author 
Email: Trinhdinhtoan@tlu.edu.vn; Tel: 0368420106 
Abstract. This paper presents a methodology for appraisal of congestion level for traffic 
control on expressways using fuzzy logic. The congestion level indicates the severity of 
congestion and is estimated using speed and density, being the basic traffic parameters that 
describe state of a traffic stream. Formulation of the fuzzy rule base is made based on 
knowledge on traffic flow theory and engineering judgments. Field data on a segment of the 
Pan-Island Expressway of Singapore were used to estimate the congestion levels for three 
scenarios: single input variable (speed or density) and combined input variables (speed and 
density), represented by congestion level on a [0 1] scale. The results showed that there were 
big gaps between the congestion levels evaluated based specifically on speed and density 
alone (single state variable), and the congestion levels estimated from both variables lie in 
between. Given the uncertainty in traffic data collection and dynamic nature of traffic flow, 
this indicates that it may be inadequate to evaluate traffic congestion level using a single 
variable, and the use of both speed and density represent the state of a traffic stream more 
properly. The study results also show that the fuzzy logic approach provides flexible 
combination of state variables to obtain the congestion level and to describe gradual transition 
of traffic state, which is particularly important under the heavy congested conditions. 
Keywords: Fuzzy Set; Fuzzy Rule; Congestion Level; Traffic State. 
© 2021 University of Transport and Communications 
Transport and Communications Science Journal, Vol. 72, Issue 1 (01/2021), 1-8 
Quantification of congestion level is essential for congestion management. So far, efforts 
have been made to find ways to evaluate congestion level on roadway segments: For 
examples: [1] used density as a parameter to describe operational conditions for basic freeway 
segments; [2] evaluated the traffic congestion on urban highways based on speed, travel time, 
and demand/capacity ratio; [3] proposed several indicators to evaluate traffic congestion, 
including average travel speed, road saturation degree, loss of speed, and low-speed 
In reviewing the previous works, it can be seen that a majority of studies focused on 
evaluation of traffic congestion for transport planning and traffic management under urban 
context, but little is known about research on quantifying congestion for traffic control on 
expressways. The planning and management applications primarily use the network 
performance measures to evaluate network congestion. There are practical constraints to use 
these measures for traffic control since they require time-consuming calculation through 
complicated procedures. Traffic control on expressways should use direct measurements of 
traffic variables to issue control actions in a real-time basis. 
1.1. Fuzzy Logic Applications in Traffic Engineering 
Fuzzy logic is a qualitative approach that is close to human observation, reasoning and 
decision-making. A fuzzy logic system (FLS) is a non-linear mapping of input to the output 
universe of discourse using fuzzy logic principles. The key motivations behind the use of 
fuzzy logic for quantification of congestion for traffic control include: (i) linguistic 
expressions are general and easy to be perceived, which is important in dealing with abstract 
nature of congestion [4]; (ii) its capability to combine several input quantities to produce a 
single output; and (iii) the transition from one fuzzy set to another is gradual, representing 
continuity in human perception. 
There have been many studies that use fuzzy logic to evaluate traffic congestion: for 
example [3] used fuzzy logic to evaluate road traffic congestion level based on comprehensive 
parameters; [5] proposed a fuzzy inference approach to evaluate congestion level on arterial 
roadways using average speed and proportion of time traveling at very low speed; other 
research works on application of fuzzy logic approach for quantification of traffic congestion 
can be seen in [6] and [7]. However, most of the mentioned studies focused on specific 
applications, and little is known about evaluation of congestion level for traffic control on 
This paper presents a methodology to quantify the congestion level on expressways using 
fuzzy logic for traffic control. For comparison, the congestion level is evaluated with three 
scenarios: single input variable (speed or density) and combined input variables (speed and 
density). The output (congestion level) is represented by congestion level (CL) on a [0 1] 
1.2. Choice of Input Variables 
Speed is among the most common indicators of congestion since it reflects the mobility 
of traffic stream. Speed is relatively easy to be obtained through field surveys. The use of 
speed as an indicator of congestion is straightforward and intuitive. Many researchers have 
used speed to define congestion level such as [8, 9]. Density is another primary measure for 
characterizing operational conditions on expressways. In [1] density is used as the only 
Transport and Communications Science Journal, Vol. 72, Issue 1 (01/2021), 1-8 
quantity to estimate the levels of service (LOSs) for basic segments on freeways. 
In traffic flow theory, the general relationship been speed and density is typically 
described as linear relationship such as the Greenshields model. If speed and density were 
ideally linearly correlated, the use of a single measure would be surficial to represent the 
congestion condition. However, previous studies indicate that speed may be constant while 
the flow rate increases up to 1,300 pc/h/lane, but decreases significantly just before the flow 
rate approaches the capacity [1]. Considering the complex and dynamic nature of traffic, it 
may be difficult to comprehensively assess traffic congestion conditions by a single 
evaluation indicator [10]. The use of both of speed and density may be necessary to represent 
the operational conditions of expressway traffic: density reflects freedom to maneuver, and 
speed is a major concern of drivers as related to service quality. They are both quantitative 
measures that characterize operational conditions of a traffic stream on expressway. Speed is 
a direct measurement, while density can be provided by detection cameras installed at a 
vantage point or is easily derived from occupancy. 
2.1. Membership Functions 
In a multiple input - single output (MISO) fuzzy structure, the inputs are called state 
variables, and the output is called control variable. To express the state variables in a high 
resolution, we category each state variable into 5 predicates (Fig. 1): 
Very_low High Very_highMedium
maxV V
a) Speed 
Very_low High Very_highMedium
JamK K
b) Density 
Figure 1. Fuzzy partition of state variables. 
Transport and Communications Science Journal, Vol. 72, Issue 1 (01/2021), 1-8 
and the control variable is partitioned into 5 fuzzy sets (Fig. 2): 
Light Moderate Heavy
FreeFlow VeryHeavy
0.3 0.5
Figure 2. Fuzzy partition of control variable (CongestionLevel). 
where FreeFlow is associated with LOS A and partly to LOS B; Light congestion 
corresponds to LOS C and partly to LOSs B and D, with speed reducing, flow increasing and 
the freedom to maneuver within the traffic stream is noticeably limited; Moderate congestion 
describes operation that approaches the road capacity (LOS E) and partly to LOS D, where 
speed deceases significantly, density increases quickly with increasing flows, and 
maneuverability within the traffic stream is limited; Heavy congestion describes breakdowns 
in vehicular flow, which can be considered as approaching the LOS F at which point queues 
may form with potential propagation upstream. Finally, VeryHeavy represents an extreme 
breakdown of flow of very low traffic dynamics. It is strictly associated with LOS F. 
2.2 Formation of Rules 
Rules for the congestion level are characterized by two predicates in the antecedent, 
connected with an AND operator, and one predicate in the consequent. The general 
expression of rules is of the form: 
If speed is AND density is then congestion level is (4) 
Table 1. Rule decision matrix for congestion level. 
(FF: Free flow, L: Light congestion, M: Moderate congestion, H: Heavy congestion, VH: Very 
heavy congestion) 
 Relation VeryLow Low Medium High VeryHigh 
VeryLow --- --- H VH VH 
Low --- M M H VH 
Medium L L M H H 
High FF L M M --- 
VeryHigh FF FF L --- --- 
The formation of the rules for the congestion level is conducted in the same way as the 
preliminary rule set: in the left-hand side, the two predicates are connected with the AND 
Transport and Communications Science Journal, Vol. 72, Issue 1 (01/2021), 1-8 
operator, thus the membership values are calculated using the MIN operation. 
An example of rule can be seen as follow: 
If V is “VeryLow” AND K is “VeryHigh” then CL is “VeryHeavy” 
The collection of the rules includes 19 rules as summarized in Table 1 that is known as 
rule decision matrix for congestion level. 
Although the maximum combinations of the state variables constitute 5*5 = 25 rules, 
some combinations are not meaningful, and are removed from the model, including: 
“VeryHigh” speed - “VeryHigh” density, “VeryHigh” speed - “High” density, “High” speed - 
“VeryHigh” density. We note that the relationship “VeryLow” speed - “VeryLow” density, 
“Low” speed - “VeryLow” density, and “VeryLow” speed - “Low” density may happen under 
specific circumstances such as incident or roadwork during the nighttime. However, from the 
database investigation, there were no such situations during the data collection period. Since 
in a uninterrupted-flow facility, the cause of congestion is internal [1], we remove these 
combinations because they are unlikely to occur. 
Figure 3. Surface Viewer of congestion level. 
Fig. 3 examines the output space of the fuzzy logic system at a 5x5 resolutions of fuzzy 
inputs (Speed and Density) that produce a 5 resolution of output (CongestionLevel). 
This section demonstrates the evaluation of congestion level using data obtained on a 
segment of Pan-Island Expressway of Singapore. Since the data are point measurements, they 
do not permit direct calculation of speed and density. Speeds used in this analysis were space 
mean speeds ( )sU that are estimated from the measured time mean speeds ( )tU using Eq. (5) 
for time mean speeds of less than 70 km/h [1]. 
89.1026.1 − ts UU (5) 
For a time mean speed that is greater than 70 km/h, space mean speed is approximated as 
2% less than the time mean speed with reference from traffic engineering literature [1]. 
Transport and Communications Science Journal, Vol. 72, Issue 1 (01/2021), 1-8 
Direct measurement of density in the field is difficult since this requires a vantage point 
for photographing over a significant segment of roads. In this study, density is calculated as 
the ratio of flow rate V (veh./lane/h) to the space mean speed sU (km/h). 
K =
To explore further findings from previous studies that using the hybrid index is more 
reliable and practical than results using a single index, the congestion levels evaluated using 
both speed and density CL(v*k) are compared with the congestion levels evaluated using a 
single quantity, that is either speed (CL(v)) or density (CL(k)). Three methods use the same 
sets of membership functions proposed in Fig. 1. 
The CL(v*k) used the rule base as described in Section 2.2. Using speed as the only input 
variable, the input-output mapping of CL(v) is implemented by the following simple set of 
• If speed is VeryLow then congestion level is VeryHeavy 
• If speed is Low then congestion level is Heavy 
• If speed is Medium then congestion level is Moderate 
• If speed is High then congestion level is Light 
• If speed is VeryHigh then congestion level is FreeFlow. 
a) CL(v) b) CL(k) 
Figure 4. The rule interface for the state variables. 
Similarly, using density as the only input variable, the input-output mapping of CL(k) are 
obtained using the simple set of rules: 
• If density is VeryLow then congestion level is FreeFlow 
• If density is Low then congestion level is Light 
• If density is Medium then congestion level is Moderate 
• If density is High then congestion level is High 
• If density is VeryHigh then congestion level is VeryHeavy. 
Transport and Communications Science Journal, Vol. 72, Issue 1 (01/2021), 1-8 
The membership functions of CL(v) and CL(k) are illustrated in Figure 4 4. 
To illustrate what have been discussed in the introduction regarding the number of state 
variables, the congestion levels estimated using both speed and density CL(v*k) are compared 
with those using a single quantity (Fig. 5), either speed (CL(v)) or density (CL(k)). Fig. 5 
shows that there are large differences between the congestion levels evaluated by CL(v) and 
CL(k) under free-flow and light congested conditions. In principle, if CL(v) and CL(k) were 
good indicators of congestion level, they would be sufficiently close since they used the same 
set of data. This proves that it would be inadequate to represent the congestion level using a 
single variable of speed or density. The congestion level using both speed and density will 
provide better representation of traffic conditions. 
Time of day (hh:mm:ss)
Figure 5. Evaluation of congestion levels by different methods. 
The control of traffic on a road network in general, on expressways in particular, requires 
evaluation of traffic conditions, specifically the congestion intensity under critical conditions. 
The congestion intensity (congestion level) is a vague concept in nature, and is dependent on 
a number of parameters, hence the evaluation of congestion level requires a decision-support 
system that is able to combine several inputs to evaluate the output (congestion level) and 
effectively convey the output in a manner that is easily to be perceived by the traffic control 
This paper presents a methodology for quantification of congestion level for traffic 
control on expressways following the fuzzy logic approach (FLS). The congestion level 
indicates the severity of congestion and was evaluated by using speed and density, being the 
primary traffic variables: speed is a direct measurement, while density can be provided by 
detection cameras installed at a vantage point, or is easily derived from occupancy. The 
output (congestion level) is represented on a [0 1] scale that can be further categorized into 
classes, upon which appropriate control actions are issued. 
Transport and Communications Science Journal, Vol. 72, Issue 1 (01/2021), 1-8 
The FLS used field data on a segment of the Pan-Island Expressway of Singapore to 
estimate the congestion levels for three scenarios: single input variable (speed or density) and 
combined input variables (speed and density). The results showed that there are remarkable 
differences between the congestion levels evaluated with either speed or density alone, while 
the congestion level profile constructed using both variables lies in between. This indicates 
that it would be inadequate to represent the congestion level using a single variable of speed 
or density. Considering the complexity and dynamic nature of traffic, it is necessary to 
quantity traffic congestion using both variables. 
The study results also show that the FLS provides flexible combination of input variables 
to obtain the congestion level and to describe gradual transition of traffic state, which is 
particularly important under heavy congested conditions. 
To demonstrate the fuzzy-based methodology, this paper used data obtained on a segment 
of Pan-Island Expressway of Singapore. The author would like to gratefully acknowledge the 
Land Transport Authority of Singapore for its provision of data used in this study. 
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