Đề thi Ielts Writing tháng 3/2020

Đề thi ngày 27/03

• Task 1: The maps show a beachfront in Australia in 1950 and today.

• Task 2: Some people say that individuals who make a lot of money are most successful. Others think that those who contribute to society like scientists and teachers are most successful. Discuss both views and give your opinion

Đề thi ngày 20/03

• Task 1: The chart below shows the percentage of Australian people who were born in different places of the world.

• Task 2: Many people are working longers hours. What are the reasons and effects?


Đề thi Ielts Writing tháng 3/2020 trang 1

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Đề thi Ielts Writing tháng 3/2020 trang 2

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Đề thi Ielts Writing tháng 3/2020

Đề thi Ielts Writing tháng 3/2020
Đề thi IELTS Writing tháng 3/2020
Đề thi ngày 27/03
Task 1: The maps show a beachfront in Australia in 1950 and today. 
Task 2: Some people say that individuals who make a lot of money are most successful. Others think that those who contribute to society like scientists and teachers are most successful. Discuss both views and give your opinion
Đề thi ngày 20/03
Task 1: The chart below shows the percentage of Australian people who were born in different places of the world.
Task 2: Many people are working longers hours. What are the reasons and effects?
Đề thi ngày 13/03
Task 1: The chart below gives information about the amount of time children spend with their parents.
Task 2: More people put their personal information online (address, telephone number,) for everyday activities such as socializing on social networks or banking purposes. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?
Đề thi ngày 04/03
Task 1: The diagrams give information about changes in a student accommodation.
Task 2: Many countries import a large amount of food from other parts of the world. Is this a positive or negative development?

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  • docxde_thi_ielts_writing_thang_32020.docx