Chìa khóa trả lời mọi câu hỏi Ielts Speaking

Describe a book you want to read again

You should say

what the book is about

when you read it

how long you read it for

and explain why you want to read it again

Actually, I’m not a bookworm but sometimes, I still seek comfort in reading books, especially fiction

books. There’s a book of this type that I read when I was a child and I read it over and over again. It has

many wonders in it and always makes me absorbed in its interesting content.

The book is called “Diary of a cricket”, written by To Hoai. It is a short novel, initially written for

children. However, I believe this book is suitable for all other ages thanks to the storytelling ability of To

Hoai. The book describes the adventure of a cricket through the world of animals and people, of the good

and bad, war and peace, ideals and life purpose in colorful yet insightful perspectives. The cricket

experienced countless setbacks and challenges but overcame them to eventually become a force of good.

In general, the main character has his own charismatic power. His adventure story is so magical and

enchanting that every page I turned tempted me to read further. The first time I read this book, I found it

extremely hard to put it down.

It is such a great book that has been translated into more than 100 languages. In my opinion, it is a good

source of bilingual books for Vietnamese children. Parents who grew up with this story will love to enjoy

it again with their children. I believe that in the company of this book, a child, even a hyperactive one, is

never going to feel bored or restless.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Chìa khóa trả lời mọi câu hỏi Ielts Speaking

Chìa khóa trả lời mọi câu hỏi Ielts Speaking
Các chủ đề thường gặp ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 
1. Describe an object (a gift, something you use etc.) ........................................................................... 4 
1.1. Describe a book you want to read again ............................................................................. 4 
1.2. Describe a cake that is special to you ................................................................................. 6 
1.3. Describe a painting or work of art that you have seen. .........................................................11 
1.4. Describe a piece of clothes that is your favorite ..................................................................12 
1.5. Describe an important plant in your country (such as fruits, flowers or vegetables) .................18 
1.6. Describe an invention that has changed people's life ...........................................................25 
2. Describe a person (someone you admire, a family member etc.) .................................................. 32 
2.1. Describe a famous person in your country .........................................................................32 
2.2. Describe an interesting neighbor you have/had...................................................................35 
2.3. Describe a family member who has an important influence on you .......................................39 
2.4. Describe the most polite person you know .........................................................................44 
2.5. Describe a character from a story you read or heard in your childhood ..................................49 
2.6. Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage ....................................................52 
2.7. Describe a person who gave a clever solution to a problem. .................................................58 
3. Describe an event (a festival, celebration etc.) ................................................................................ 64 
3.1. Describe a historic event in your country ...........................................................................64 
3.2. Describe an occasion where everybody smiled. ..................................................................70 
3.3. Describe a sports match you have watched ........................................................................75 
3.4. Describe a wedding that you have attended. .......................................................................81 
4. Describe an activity (e.g. a hobby) ................................................................................................... 86 
4.1. Describe a plan you made in your life (except work or study) ..............................................86 
4.2. Describe a talk or a speech ..............................................................................................89 
4.3. Describe an experience that when you spent time with a child. .............................................93 
4.4. Describe an activity that makes you feel excited .................................................................95 
4.5. Describe an experience that you are waiting for something ..................................................99 
4.6. Describe an experience of good service in a shop or a restaurant. ....................................... 104 
4.7. Describe a time you had good experience in the countryside .............................................. 108 
4.8. Describe a holiday/trip you want to go on in the future ..................................................... 112 
4.9. Describe a well-paid job that you will be good at ............................................................. 115 
4.10. Describe a plan you haven’t done yet ............................................................................ 117 
4.11. Describe a bicycle tour. ............................................................................................... 120 
4.12. Describe an important change in your life. ..................................................................... 128 
4.13. Describe an appointment that was put ahead of schedule ................................................ 135 
4.14. Describe a time you talked to a stranger ........................................................................ 138 
4.15. Describe an activity near the sea ................................................................................... 141 
5. Describe a place (somewhere you visited, a holiday etc.) ............................................................ 150 
5.1. Describe a city or town you have been. ........................................................................... 150 
5.2. Describe a garden you visited and like. ........................................................................... 153 
5. ... ch I 
have followed since I was a child. I particularly like her due to her superb performance and admirable 
personal qualities. In terms of performance, I have been really impressed by her acting ability, playing 
convincing roles in all the films she has starred in. Moreover, she has also received various important 
awards for the best actress. In terms of her personality, she is a kind-hearted, generous person who is 
always willing to help disadvantaged people. Every time I see her on TV, I remember my childhood and 
that makes me happy. I think I will continue to follow her career in the long run. 
✓ Sympathize (verb): (thông cảm, đồng cảm)to feel sorry for somebody; to show that you understand 
and feel sorry about somebody’s problems 
Ex: I know what it's like to have migraines, so I really sympathize (with you). 
✓ Strive (verb): try very hard to achieve something 
Ex: This restaurant strives to serve good food at reasonable prices. 
✓ Document (verb): (dẫn chứng bằng tài liệu, ghi lại chi tiết sự việc)to record the details of something 
Ex: Causes of the disease have been well documented. 
✓ Primarily (adverb): (chính, chủ yếu) mainly 
Ex: The report is primarily concerned with aircraft safety. 
✓ Storyline (noun): the basic story in a film/movie 
Ex: Some of Shakespeare’s plays have a very sad and tragic storyline. 
✓ Scriptwriter (noun): a person who writes the words for films/movies 
 Ex: Every good actor needs an expert scriptwriter in order to play their role well in a film. 
✓ Come up with (phrasal verb): find or produce an answer or idea 
Ex: He came up with an idea for a movie about dinosaurs. 
✓ Dialogue (noun): conversations in a film/movie 
Ex: The dialogues in romantic films are usually longer than the dialogues in action films. 
✓ Harsh realities (expression): the difficulties [of daily life] 
Ex: For many elderly people, coping with poor health is one of the harsh realities of life. 
✓ Dramatize (verb): (soạn thành kịch)to present a book, an event, etc. as a play or a 
Ex: Jane Austen’s ‘Emma’ was dramatized on television recently. 
✓ Scenario(s) (noun): (viễn cảnh có thể xảy ra)a description of how things might happen in the future 
Ex: The worst-case scenario (= the worst possible thing that could happen) would be for the factory to be 
closed down. 
✓ Superb (adjective): (tuyệt vời, xuất sắc)excellent; of very good quality 
Ex: Taylor scored a superb goal at the end of the first half. 
✓ Admirable (adjective): having qualities that you respect 
Ex: The dedication of the doctors and nurses in this hospital is admirable. 
✓ Convincing (adjective): that makes somebody believe that something is true 
Ex: The dinosaurs in the film are very convincing – in fact, children are quite scared of them! 
✓ Star (verb): have one of the main parts in a film/movie 
Ex: Next year, she plans to star in a new romantic movie filmed in Paris. 
✓ Kind – hearted (adjective): (tốt tính)A kind-hearted person is one who likes other people a lot and 
always wants to help them. 
Ex: She is also a kind-hearted, generous person who is always willing to help disadvantaged people. 
✓ Disadvantaged (adjective): not having enough money or skills to succeed in life 
Ex: The free meals sservice is designed to help disadvantaged people in the local community. 
6.10. Describe an English class you enjoy 
You should say 
When it was 
How it was 
And explain why you enjoyed this class 
I am going to talk about a lesson in English that I enjoyed when I was still in high school. I had missed 
several lessons before that due to my absence, which stemmed from sickness, so I was falling behind with 
my studies. Therefore, my uncle, who is an online English tutor, offered me a lesson to help me catch up. 
Although I was a bit set in my ways, and I had doubts about this comparatively new teaching method, the 
lesson went amazingly well. We communicated by means of an online video call and he gave me 
instructions and studying materials via email. As I was missing out on quite a few inclass lessons, my 
online class had to cover a lot of ground. I had to learn many new words for the topic “Politics”, which 
was quite exhausting for me because I did not have any interest in such matters. Then we went on to 
revise ‘inversion’, which is also a tricky grammatical point. However, as it was a private tutor lesson, my 
uncle had tailored his teaching style to suit my ability to take in information. Knowing that I would get 
bored easily, he integrated a lot of visual aids and discussion into the lesson to keep my attention. At the 
end of the lesson, he gave me a short quiz to ensure that I had a good grasp ofwhat I had just learnt. The 
thing that fascinated me most was the level of interactive learning that I experienced in my online lesson. 
It is commonly believed that online learning hinders the interaction between teacher and students, but I 
think that such an attitude is behind the times.When studying online, I feel more relaxed, which enables 
me to participate more actively in discussions and activities with my teacher. Moreover, with the 
advantage of time and cost saving, I think online lessons actually surpass face-to-face learning in 
Từ vựng trong chủ đề Education: 
1. to fall behind with your studies 
Meaning: to improve more slowly in studying than other people, so that you fail to learn the course 
material at the necessary speed 
Example: Irregular attendance at classes is one of reasons why some students fall behind with their 
Dịch đại ý 
To fall behind with your studies: học đuối 
Nghĩa: chậm tiến bộ trong việc học hơn người khác nên bạn không theo kịp việc học ở tiến độ cần thiết 
Ví dụ: Thường xuyên vắng mặt ở lớp là một trong những lí do khiến học sinh học đuối hơn các bạn. 
2. to cover a lot of ground 
Meaning: to deal with a lot of information and many facts. 
Example: The history lecture covered a lot of ground today. 
Dịch đại ý 
To cover a lot of ground: sử dụng rất nhiều tài liệu 
Nghĩa: sử dụng nhiều thông tin, sự thật và tài liệu khác nhau 
Ví dụ: Bài giảng lịch sử hôm nay sử dụng rất nhiều tài liệu. 
3. to tailor teaching styles/ strategies 
Meaning: to make or adapt teaching styles for a particular person or purpose 
Example: When faced with classes of students with different levels of ability, teachers should tailor their 
teaching strategies to deal with this challenge. 
Dịch đại ý 
To tailor teaching styles: biến đổi phương pháp dạy học 
Nghĩa: xây dựng phương pháp dạy học theo nhu cầu cụ thể 
Ví dụ: Khi phải dạy những lớp có học sinh có trình độ khác nhau, giáo viên cần biến đổi phương pháp 
dạy để đối mặt với khó khăn này. 
4. to have a good grasp of something 
Meaning: to understand something thoroughly 
Example: Children who begin to learn a foreign language in primary school are usually able tohave a 
good grasp of the new language quickly. 
Dịch đại ý 
To have a good grasp of sth: thấu hiểu/ nắm bắt cái gì 
Nghĩa: hiểu việc gì đó 1 cách toàn diện và sâu sắc 
Ví dụ: Trẻ em mới bắt đầu học ngoại ngữ tại trường tiểu học thường sẽ nắm bắt được ngôn ngữ mới rất 
nhanh chóng. 
5. interactive learning 
Meaning: Refers to a method of teaching and learning in which teachers ask questions in class, assign and 
check homework, or hold class or group discussions. 
Example: With or without the aid of technology, interactive learning helps students strengthen problem 
solving and critical thinking skills. 
Dịch đại ý 
Interactive learning: hình thức học tương tác 
Nghĩa: phương pháp dạy và học mà trong đó giáo viên đưa ra câu hỏi, giao và kiểm tra bài tập về nhà và 
tổ chức các buổi thảo luận tại lớp. 
Ví dụ: Dù có hay không sự hỗ trợ của công nghệ, hình thức học tương tác giúp học sinh cải thiện khả 
năng giải quyết vấn đề và tăng tư duy phản biện. 
6. face-to-face learning 
Meaning: to study in the traditional way in a classroom with fellow students and a teacher 
Example: Face-to-face learning motivates students and encourages interaction in the classroom. 
Dịch đại ý 
Face-to-face learning: học trực tiếp 
Nghĩa: học theo cách truyền thống trong 1 lớp học có bạn bè và giáo viên dạy học 
Ví dụ: Học trực tiếp tạo động lực học cho học sinh và kích thích sự tương tác trong lớp học. 
Từ vựng chủ đề Environment: 
1. to stem from 
Meaning: to be caused by 
Example: Scientists say that global warming partly stems from the increase in car exhaust emissions. 
Dịch đại ý 
To stem from: bắt nguồn từ 
Nghĩa: được tạo ra bởi cái gì 
Ví dụ: Các nhà khoa học cho rằng sự nóng lên toàn cầu 1 phần bắt nguồn từ lượng khí thải của xe ô tô 
tăng lên. 
Từ vựng trong chủ đề Communication: 
1. to be set in one’s ways 
Meaning: to be stubborn and unwilling to change the way in which you do things 
Example: As people get older, they often become set in their ways and reluctant to try anything new. 
2. behind the times 
Meaning: old-fashioned and not adapted to modern customs, behaviour or beliefs 
Example: All the machinery was old and the production methods of the company were obviously 
inefficient and behind the times. 
Từ vựng khác: 
1. miss out on [phr.v]: to fail to benefit from something useful or enjoyable by not taking part in it 
Ex: Of course I'm coming—I don't want to miss out on all the fun! 
Nghĩa: bỏ lỡ 
VD: Đương nhiên tôi sẽ tới – Tôi không muốn bỏ lỡ cuộc vui! 
2. Visual aid [n]: a picture, video, etc. used in teaching to help people to learn or understand something 
Ex: The use of visual aids will enliven your lesson. 
Nghĩa: các phương tiện minh họa 
VD: Việc sử dụng các phương tiện minh họa sẽ làm bài giảng của bạn sinh động. 
Part 3 
1. Are you learning a foreign language? Why? 
Yes, I am learning English. In practical terms, learning a foreign language helps to broaden your 
opportunity to become a global citizen. Without knowing at least one foreign language, you cannot 
communicate with other people around the world. 
2. Do you want to become a foreign language teacher in the future? Why? 
Yes, if I could. Being a foreign language teacher, I could help others assimilate knowledge of a foreign 
language in an effective way. 
3. Why do some people learn quickly while others are slow? 
I think it depends on our nature. Some people are innately good at languages while others find it much 
harder to master a new language. 
4. Do you think grammar is important when you learn a foreign language? Why? 
Well, it is quite important because grammar is the foundationof all languages. However, the way you 
apply grammar into daily conversation is just as crucial. 
5. Why are there strong demands for language skills? 
You have to see the big picture. I think there are strong demands for language skills nowadays mainly 
because of business. English, for example, has become the universal language of commerce and the 
tourism industry. 
6. Do you think foreigners should learn Vietnamese when they arrive at Vietnam? 
I think they should learn some basic sentences to prevent misunderstanding when travelling in Vietnam. It 
will be more enjoyable if you know how to ask the locals about things in their country and it will break 
down some of the language barriers if you learn a few phrases simply to get by. 
7. What kind of qualities should a language teacher have? 
In addition to linguistic ability and the ability to speak fluently in the language they are teaching, teachers 
must be patient and dedicated to the needs of their students. 
8. Why do people want to learn a foreign language? 
As a matter of fact, acquiring a foreign language will be really beneficial for their education or future 
career. Moreover, we all need to communicate and travel to other places. 
1. to assimilate knowledge 
Meaning: to absorb and understand knowledge 
Example: Some people claim that children assimilate knowledge more easily than adults, citing studies 
into the way that young children learn. 
Dịch đại ý 
To assimilate knowledge: tiếp nhận kiến thức 
Nghĩa: tiếp thu và hiểu được kiến thức 
Ví dụ: Một số người khẳng định rằng trẻ em tiếp thu kiến thức dễ dàng hơn người lớn, căn cứ vào những 
nghiên cứu về cách trẻ nhỏ học tập. 
2. to see the big picture 
Meaning: to understand all the important aspects of a situation 
Example: To understand the present refugee crisis in the world, you have to see the big picture. 
1. to master a language Meaning: to learn and understand a language completely 
Example: It is impossible to master a language without years of studying. 
2. a universal language 
Meaning: a language that is used and understood everywhere 
Example: English has become the universal language used by researchers and academics. 
3. linguistic ability 
Meaning: the ability to master other languages 
Example: People with linguistic ability seem to have a natural talent, whereas most students struggle for 
many years to achieve fluency in a language. 
4. to speak fluently 
Meaning: to speak easily and well 
Example: Interaction with other English speakers on Skype is a very effective way to learn to speak more 
5. to acquire a foreign language 
Meaning: to be able to communicate in a new language as a result of your own efforts 
Example: It takes many years of study to acquire a foreign language, therefore students have to be very 
motivated to learn. 
1. broaden [v]: to increase knowledge, experience: mở rộng 
Eg: Many people agree that travel broadens the mind. 
2. effective [adj]: producing a successful result : hiệu quả 
Eg: Aspirin is a highly effective treatment for headaches. 
3. innately [adv]: in a natural way, from the time that you were born: một cách tự nhiên, bẩm sinh 
Eg: he believes that his children are innately smart. 
4. foundation [n]: a principle that sth is based on and that it grows from : nền móng 
Eg: Respect provides a solid foundation for marriage. 
5. crucial [adj]: extremely important: thứ yếu, quan trọng 
Eg: This is a crucial decision for all of us. 
6. misunderstanding [n]: a situation in which a comment is not understood corectly : sự hiểu nhầm 
Eg: There was an argument as a result of a misunderstanding between my two brothers. 
7. to get by [phrasal verb] to manage to do something using the knowledge that you have 
Eg: I can get by with difficulty when I try to speak French. 
8. dedicated [adj] working hard at something because it is very important to you 
Eg: He is very dedicated to his work, always arriving early and leaving late. 
9. beneficial [adj]: having a helpful or useful effect : có ích 
Eg: A good diet is beneficial to your health. 

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