Bộ đề ôn thi tốt nghiệp THPT môn Tiếng Anh

1. Tracy wanted to be financially independent ____________ her family.

a. on

b. from

c. of

d. with

2. It takes five minutes___________ to the post office.

a. walk

b. walking

c. walked

d. to walk

3. Only when you grow up__________ the truth.

a. you will know

b. will you know

c. you know

d. do you know

Bộ đề ôn thi tốt nghiệp THPT môn Tiếng Anh trang 1

Trang 1

Bộ đề ôn thi tốt nghiệp THPT môn Tiếng Anh trang 2

Trang 2

Bộ đề ôn thi tốt nghiệp THPT môn Tiếng Anh trang 3

Trang 3

Bộ đề ôn thi tốt nghiệp THPT môn Tiếng Anh trang 4

Trang 4

Bộ đề ôn thi tốt nghiệp THPT môn Tiếng Anh trang 5

Trang 5

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Trang 6

Bộ đề ôn thi tốt nghiệp THPT môn Tiếng Anh trang 7

Trang 7

Bộ đề ôn thi tốt nghiệp THPT môn Tiếng Anh trang 8

Trang 8

Bộ đề ôn thi tốt nghiệp THPT môn Tiếng Anh trang 9

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Bộ đề ôn thi tốt nghiệp THPT môn Tiếng Anh trang 10

Trang 10

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Bộ đề ôn thi tốt nghiệp THPT môn Tiếng Anh

Bộ đề ôn thi tốt nghiệp THPT môn Tiếng Anh
 Chịu trách nhiệm biên soạn và sưu tầm: Phan Ngọc Huy - 1 - 
Contact: huycomfH gmail.com 
H Tài liệu lưu hành nội bộ H
 Chịu trách nhiệm biên soạn và sưu tầm: Phan Ngọc Huy - 2 - 
Contact: huycomfH gmail.com 
To publish this material, I desire to give the acknowledgement to the high schools in Thua Thien Hue 
province and the educational websites that supplied me the tests. I also send my thanksgivings to Locninh 
high school, where makes good condition for me to print this material. 
It will be not able to avoid mistakes in the process of compiling the information, packing this material, 
because of time and knowledge limitation. Therefore please contact me if you find out any errors. 
Detail: address: Phan Ngoc Huy, Locninh high school, locninh town, Binhphuoc province 
Email: huycomf@gmail.com 
 Thank you in advance 
Teacher: Tiếng anh là gì nhỉ? Students : Là ngôn ngữ giao tiếp 
Teacher: Tiếng anh có khó không? Students : Dễ ợt (híchíc) 
Teacher: Ừ, dễ ợt. Nó cứ như ở trong bàn tay các em ấy. Bóp vào nó chết. Mở ra nó cũng chết. 
 Chịu trách nhiệm biên soạn và sưu tầm: Phan Ngọc Huy - 3 - 
Contact: huycomfH gmail.com 
1. Tracy wanted to be financially independent ____________ her family. 
a. on 
b. from 
c. of 
d. with 
2. It takes five minutes___________ to the post office. 
a. walk 
b. walking 
c. walked 
d. to walk 
3. Only when you grow up__________ the truth. 
a. you will know 
b. will you know 
c. you know 
d. do you know 
4. My friend believes that research is a group's effort and________ do I. 
a. as 
b. the same 
c. so 
d. too 
5. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others 
a. that 
b. mother 
c. this 
d. think 
6. He's always trying__________ me. 
a. to avoid to meet 
b. to avoid meeting 
c. avoiding meeting 
d. avoiding to meet 
7. After the explosion, cars and trucks were stopped and__________ 
a. kept 
b. watched 
c. searched 
d. fined 
8. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others 
a. hatred 
b. sacred 
c. warned 
d. decided 
9. We saw many soldiers and tanks ___________ were moving to the front. 
a. which 
b. whom 
c. who 
d. that 
 Chịu trách nhiệm biên soạn và sưu tầm: Phan Ngọc Huy - 4 - 
Contact: huycomfH gmail.com 
10. I wish you________ me a new one instead of having it________ as you did. 
a. gave/to repair 
b. would give/to repair 
c. had given/repaired 
d. had given/to be repaired 
11. ______________him a few Italian words? The waiter. 
a. Who taught 
b. p 
c. What did he teach 
d. Whom did he teach 
12. Our flight was delayed_____________ the heavy fog. 
a. as result 
b. because 
c. on account for 
d. due to 
13. There were only three___________ for the job. 
a. employers 
b. applicants 
c. beggars 
d. aspirants 
14. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others 
a. pure 
b. sure 
c. tour 
d. poor 
15. He asked me____________ to her party the day before. 
a. whether I come 
b. if I would come 
c. if I had come 
d. whether I came 
16. I wish I__________ there for my holiday last year. I didn't enjoy it. 
a. wouldn't go 
b. didn't go 
c. hadn't gone 
d. would rather go 
17. You can rely________ him. He always keeps his promise. 
a. with 
b. in 
c. for 
d. on 
18. I took it back to the shop___________ I had bought it. 
a. where 
b. which 
c. that 
d. from that 
19. Eat___________ and more fruit. 
a. much less bread 
b. much fewer 
c. many less 
d. many fewer 
20. Listen to what I am saying,___________? 
a. don't you 
 Chịu trách nhiệm biên soạn và sưu tầm: Phan Ngọc Huy - 5 - 
Contact: huycomfH gmail.com 
b. mind you 
c. do you 
d. will you 
21. Excessive exercise may_________ a loss of appetite. 
a. effect 
b. result in 
c. lead 
d. bring up 
22. If I had been thinking carefully I__________ that silly mistake. 
a. wouldn't have made 
b. wouldn't make 
c. didn't make 
d. wouldn't be making 
23. ____________? She's about 45 kilos. 
a. How much weight is she 
b. How heavy is she 
c. How much is her weight 
d. How many kilos is her weight 
24. Eagles are protected by law, but they are________ with extinction. 
a. threatened 
b. scared 
c. discouraged 
d. frightened 
25. I don't think he's qualified___________ that job. 
a. in 
b. for 
c. to 
d. with 
26. After _____________ by a policeman, he was sent back to England. 
a. been picked up 
b. picking up 
c. be picked up 
d. being picked up 
27. If cauliflowers_________ from extreme temperatures, the heads get discolored. 
a. will not be protected 
b. are not protected 
c. were not protected 
d. are not being p ... tance of art, they enjoy art classes. 
d. No sooner do children realize the importance of art than they enjoy art classes. 
48. I don't really want to go out tonight. 
a.I'd rather not go out to night. b.I'd rather you didn't go out tonight. 
c.I'd better stay at home tonight. d.I'd better not go out tonight. 
49.If I'd known you were ill, I would have come to see you. 
a.I saw you and I knew you were ill. b.I didn't know you were ill, but I saw you. 
c.I didn't see you although I knew you were ill. d.I didn't know you were ill and I didn't see you. 
50.She started working as a secretary five years ago. 
a.It's five years since she started working as a secretary. b.She has worked as a secretary for five years 
c.a & b are right d.a & b are wrong 
1/ Choose a word having the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest 
51.a.drunkard b.postcard c.remark d.discard 
52.a.kites b.catches c.oranges d.buzzes 
53.a.wealth b.with c.cloth d.marathon 
54.a.laughed b.stampped c.walked d.needed 
 Chịu trách nhiệm biên soạn và sưu tầm: Phan Ngọc Huy - 85 - 
Contact: huycomfH gmail.com 
55.a.conservation b.rotation c.diposal d.odour 
2/ Choose a word that has the different stress from the rest: 
56.a.retail b.pursue c.direct d.consult 
57.a.employee b.refugee c.graduate d.referee 
58.a.magazine b.enrichment c.understand d.metropolitan 
59.a.continental b.investigate c.abnormality d.satisfactory 
60.a.automatically b.preliminary c.alternative d.petroleum 
IV/WRITING:(40 ms) 
 Anatole France said: " Family is a very good school" 
 Explain and comment upon that sentence. 
1. A. good B. shoots C. loose D. blood 
2. A. door B. four C. floor D. sound 
3. A. meat B. feed C. cheat D. great 
4. A. chemistry B. children C. chimney D. chair 
5. A. child B. cheap C. machine D. cheer 
6. A. fight B. drive C. arrive D. similar 
7. A. films B. light C. tennis D. television 
8. A. university B. business C. uniform D. united states 
9. A. visited B. wanted C. warned D. intended 
10. A. snow B. gold C. cover D. told 
11. Table is usually ________ wood 
A. made from B. made of C. made by D made with 
12. Paper is usually ________ wood 
A. made from B. made of C. made by D made with 
13. The Google program ________ the American brothers 
A. made from B. made of C. made by D made with 
14. Tom bought this computer________ he could connect the internet. 
A. since B. because C. in case D. so that 
15. Tom has bought this computer ________ 2005 
A. since B. because C. in case D. so that 
16. Tom has bought this computer________ he was 18 
A. since B. because C. in case D. so that 
17. Tom couldn’t buy this computer________ he had no money. 
A. since B. because C. in case D. so that 
18. The exam mark was low. I wish it________ higher. 
A. were B. was C. has been D. had been 
19. If I ________ you, I would tell the truth. 
A. were B. was C. has been D. had been 
20. I ________ getting early every mornings. 
A. am used to B. get used to C. used to D. A and B are correct 
21. He ________ smoke 2 years ago, but now he gives up it. 
A. is used to B. get used to C. used to D. use to 
22. I met the manager________ agreed me to work in his company. 
A. who B. which C. whom D. where 
23. That is the manager________ I met yesterday. 
A. who B. whom C. which D. when 
 Chịu trách nhiệm biên soạn và sưu tầm: Phan Ngọc Huy - 86 - 
Contact: huycomfH gmail.com 
24. the reason ________ he went away is for his wife 
A. who B. whom C. why D. when 
25. the stadium is a place________ the matches are usually performed 
A. who B. which C. when D. where 
26. Tom is ________ than his brothers 
A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. higher 
27. She is________ than all students in her class. 
A. intelligent B. more intelligent C. intelligenter D. most cintelligent. 
28. Nobody in her class is ________ as her. 
A. as intelligent B. more intelligent C. so intelligent D. most intelligent 
29. Who is the________ student in your class, Minh? 
A. intelligent B. more intelligent C. most intelligent D. intelligentest 
30. winners are always________ than losers 
A. happy B. the most happy C. happier D. more happy 
31. Lucy speaks so________ that I can't understand at all. 
A. quick B. quickly C. more quickly D. quicker 
32. Manh studies ________ than Tuan 
A. more intelligent B. intelligently C. more intelligently D. intelligent 
33. I feel ________ when I describe this topic 
A. difficult B. difficultly C. more difficultly D. all are correct 
34. I have to learn so well________ I could pass the exam. 
A. so as to B. in order to C. to D. so that 
35. ________ harbour his dream, he has worked so hard. 
A. in order B. so that C. to D. in order that 
36. Nam: “Would you like to go to the movie with me, Thuan?” 
Thuan: “________” 
A. yes, I’d like to B. thank you C. you’re welcome D. don’t mention 
37. Nam: “I don’t like Maths” Thuan: “________” 
A. so do I B. neither do I C. either do I D. neither don’t I 
38. Nam: “I like English” Thuan: “________” 
A. so do I B. neither do I C. neither don’t I D. either do I 
39. Nam: “nice to meet you, Thanh” Thanh: “________” 
A. thank you, too B. me, too C. you’re welcomed D. either do I 
40. When I came, she________ TV. 
A. watched B. has watched C. watches D. was watching 
41. While I was playing game, my brother ________ his homework. 
A. was doing B. did C. does D. had done 
42. Mr. Brown ________ in New York for 10 years. 
A. lives B. has lived C. lived D. was living 
43. She has just gone out ________ 10 minutes. 
A. since B. for C. about D. in 
44. She avoided ________ in the exam. 
A. cheat B. to cheat C. cheating D. have to cheat 
45. He really enjoys________ newspaper. 
A. reading B. to read C. to reading D. having reading 
46. If I ________ you, I would not behave like that. 
A. am B. was C. were D. had been 
47. If I put a paper in the fire it ________ . 
A. burn B. will burn C. would burn D. would have burned 
48. I would pass the exam if I ________ hard. 
A. study B. had studied C. studies D. studied 
 Chịu trách nhiệm biên soạn và sưu tầm: Phan Ngọc Huy - 87 - 
Contact: huycomfH gmail.com 
49. if you put a ball in the water, it ________ float. 
A. will B. would C. would have D. all are correct 
50. Laura can play badminton best than Marry can 
 A B C D 
51. David uses to play piano worse than Dulia did 
 A B C D 
52. She is always tiring of teaching the naughty children. 
 A B C D 
53. They don’t want to watch this film because it is too bored 
 A B C D 
54. It took her 3 hours cleaning the floor. 
 A B C D 
55. I have improved my English skills for I studied it at school. 
 A B C D 
 Chịu trách nhiệm biên soạn và sưu tầm: Phan Ngọc Huy - 88 - 
Contact: huycomfH gmail.com 
1 ĐỀ THI SỐ 2 
1. c 
2. d 
3. b 
4. c 
5. d 
6. b 
7. c 
8. c 
9. d 
10. c 
11. a 
12. d 
13. b 
14. a 
15. c 
16. c 
17. d 
18. a 
19. a 
20. d 
21. b 
22. a 
23. b 
24. a 
25. b 
26. d 
27. b 
28. a 
29. c 
30. d 
1. d 
2. a 
3. d 
4. a 
5. b 
6. a 
7. b 
8. a 
9. b 
10. b 
11. a 
12. d 
13. d 
14. a 
15. d 
16. d 
17. d 
18. b 
19. c 
20. c 
21. a 
22. c 
23. a 
24. c 
25. c 
26. c 
27. d 
28. b 
29. d 
30. a 
31. c 
32. a 
33. c 
34. b 
35. d 
36. c 
37. d 
38. d 
39. c 
40. c 
41. a 
42. b 
43. a 
44. c 
1. b 
2. b 
3. b 
4. c 
5. d 
6. b 
7. d 
8. c 
9. c 
10. d 
11. a 
12. b 
13. c 
14. c 
15. b 
16. c 
17. a 
18. a 
19. c 
20. a 
21. a 
22. a 
23. c 
24. c 
25. c 
26. a 
27. a 
28. b 
29. c 
30. c 
31. c 
32. d 
33. c 
34. c 
35. d 
36. d 
37. a 
38. c 
39. a 
40. b 
41. d 
42. b 
43. a 
44. c 
1. h 
2. d. 
3. a 
4. d. 
5. c. 
6. d. 
7. a 
8. c. 
9. a 
10. a 
11. a 
12. a 
13. d. 
14. b. 
15. d. 
16. c. 
17. c. 
18. a 
19. d. 
20. c. 
21. c. 
22. a 
23. b. 
24. a 
25. d. 
26. a 
27. b. 
28. c. 
29. a 
30. d 
31. d. 
32. c. 
33. c. 
34. d. 
35. b. 
36. d. 
37. a 
38. d. 
39. c. 
40. b. 
41. a 
42. a 
43. b. 
44. d. 
1. b 
2. d 
3. b 
4. d 
5. c 
6. d 
7. a 
8. b 
9. a 
10. a 
11. c 
12. d 
13. b 
14. b 
15. d 
16. b 
17. a 
18. b 
19. d 
20. d 
21. a 
22. a 
23. a 
24. b 
25. b 
26. c 
27. a 
28. a 
29. d 
30. c 
31. a 
32. c 
33. d 
34. d 
35. c 
36. d 
37. a 
38. b 
39. c 
40. a 
41. d 
42. c 
43. d 
44. b 
1. c 
2. c 
3. b 
4. d 
5. b 
6. b 
7. c 
8. a 
9. b 
10. a 
11. d 
12. b 
13. c 
14. d 
15. d 
16. d 
17. c 
18. a 
19. a 
20. a 
21. d 
22. b 
23. b 
24. b 
25. c 
26. c 
27. c 
28. c 
29. c 
30. a 
31. d 
32. d 
33. a 
34. b 
35. b 
36. d 
37. b 
38. a 
39. c 
40. b 
41. b 
42. b 
43. d 
44. c 
1. a 
2. d 
3. b 
4. b 
5. b 
6. b 
7. c 
8. a 
9. a 
10. b 
11. b 
12. b 
13. d 
14. c 
15. a 
16. d 
17. c 
18. d 
19. c 
20. d 
21. d 
22. a 
23. d 
24. d 
25. b 
26. d 
27. b 
28. b 
29. c 
30. a 
31. a 
32. a 
33. c 
34. c 
35. d 
36. d 
37. a 
38. a 
39. c 
40. b 
41. a 
42. b 
43. a 
44. d 
 Chịu trách nhiệm biên soạn và sưu tầm: Phan Ngọc Huy - 89 - 
Contact: huycomfH gmail.com 
45. d 
46. b 
47. a 
48. d 
49. c 
50. d 
51. a 
52. b 
53. c 
54. c 
55. d 
56. b 
57. b 
58. b 
59. a 
60. d 
45. b 
46. d 
47. d 
48. c 
49. d 
50. a 
51. d 
52. d 
53. b 
54. d 
55. a 
56. a 
57. c 
58. d 
59. b 
60. a 
45. c. 
46. c. 
47. c. 
48. a 
49. a 
50. b. 
51. a 
52. a 
53. b. 
54. a 
55. d. 
56. a 
57. d. 
58. b. 
59. b. 
60. c. 
61. c. 
62. c. 
63. d. 
64. b. 
65. b. 
66. b. 
67. b. 
68. d. 
69. d. 
70. b. 
71. c. 
72. b. 
73. d. 
74. a 
75. c. 
76. c. 
77. c. 
78. a 
79. c. 
80. c. 
81. c. 
82. c. 
83. d. 
84. b. 
85. a 
86. d. 
87. a 
88. c. 
89. d. 
90. b. 
91. d. 
92. d. 
93. a 
94. d. 
95. d. 
45. a 
46. d 
47. b 
48. d 
49. d 
50. c 
51. b 
52. c 
53. b 
54. b 
55. a 
56. b 
57. a 
58. a 
59. b 
60. c 
45. b 
46. c 
47. d 
48. d 
49. d 
50. a 
51. d 
52. c 
53. d 
54. b 
55. a 
56. c 
57. d 
58. a 
59. a 
60. d 
45. a 
46. c 
47. a 
48. c 
49. c 
50. a 
51. d 
52. c 
53. d 
54. c 
55. d 
56. c 
57. c 
58. b 
59. d 
60. a 
 Chịu trách nhiệm biên soạn và sưu tầm: Phan Ngọc Huy - 90 - 
Contact: huycomfH gmail.com 
96. a. 
97. d. 
98. d. 
99. c. 
100. d 
8 ĐỀ THI SỐ 9 
1. a 
2. d 
3. d 
4. a 
5. d 
6. b 
7. b 
8. c 
9. b 
10. b 
11. a 
12. c 
13. b 
14. c 
15. d 
16. c 
17. c 
18. c 
19. a 
20. c 
21. c 
22. c 
23. c 
24. a 
25. a 
26. d 
27. d 
28. c 
29. d 
30. d 
31. d 
32. a 
33. b 
34. c 
35. b 
36. b 
37. c 
38. a 
39. a 
40. c 
41. c 
42. b 
43. d 
44. a 
1. b 
2. c 
3. a 
4. d 
5. b 
6. d 
7. d 
8. d 
9. b 
10. a 
11. b 
12. a 
13. c 
14. b 
15. b 
16. c 
17. a 
18. c 
19. c 
20. c 
21. b 
22. b 
23. d 
24. b 
25. d 
26. a 
27. c 
28. c 
29. d 
30. c 
31. c 
32. b 
33. b 
34. b 
35. c 
36. a 
37. b 
38. a 
39. d 
40. c 
41. a 
42. d 
43. c 
44. a 
1. b 
2. a 
3. b 
4. a 
5. c 
6. b 
7. a 
8. c 
9. b 
10. c 
11. d 
12. c 
13. b 
14. a 
15. d 
16. c 
17. a 
18. c 
19. a 
20. c 
21. d 
22. b 
23. a 
24. c 
25. a 
26. b 
27. b 
28. c 
29. b 
30. d 
31. b 
32. d 
33. d 
34. d 
35. d 
36. b 
37. d 
38. a 
39. d 
40. b 
1. C. 
2. C. 
3. B. 
4. D. 
5. D. 
6. B. 
7. D. 
8. B. 
9. A 
10. D. 
11. B. 
12. C. 
13. B. 
14. C. 
15. B. 
16. B. 
17. D. 
18. A 
19. A 
20. D. 
21. D. 
22. B. 
23. B. 
24. C. 
25. D. 
26. D. 
27. A 
28. D. 
29. C. 
30. D. 
31. D. 
32. A 
33. D. 
34. C. 
35. B. 
36. C. 
37. C. 
38. A 
39. D. 
40. B 
1. C. 
2. C. 
3. C. 
4. B. 
5. C. 
6. B. 
7. D. 
8. A 
9. B. 
10. D. 
11. C. 
12. C. 
13. B. 
14. D. 
15. B. 
16. B. 
17. C. 
18. D. 
19. D. 
20. D. 
21. C. 
22. C. 
23. B. 
24. D. 
25. B. 
26. C. 
27. D. 
28. C. 
29. B. 
30. C. 
31. B. 
32. B. 
33. B. 
34. D. 
35. D. 
36. C. 
37. B. 
38. C. 
39. C. 
40. A 
41. D. 
42. A 
43. B. 
44. B. 
1. A 
2. B. 
3. B. 
4. B. 
5. A 
6. B. 
7. C. 
8. C. 
9. A 
10. C. 
11. B. 
12. D. 
13. A 
14. B. 
15. C. 
16. D. 
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19. D. 
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28. D. 
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37. B. 
38. C. 
39. B. 
40. A 
1. B. 
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4. C. 
5. B. 
6. A 
7. A 
8. C. 
9. A 
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11. B. 
12. D. 
13. D. 
14. D. 
15. A 
16. D. 
17. D. 
18. B. 
19. D. 
20. C. 
21. C. 
22. D. 
23. B. 
24. C. 
25. B. 
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30. D. 
31. D. 
32. C. 
33. C. 
34. D. 
35. A 
36. D. 
37. C. 
38. D. 
39. A 
40. B. 
 Chịu trách nhiệm biên soạn và sưu tầm: Phan Ngọc Huy - 91 - 
Contact: huycomfH gmail.com 
45. c 
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60. d 
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46. C. 
47. A 
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49. D. 
50. B. 
51. D. 
52. D. 
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55. C. 
56. D. 
57. A 
58. A 
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60. C 
1. A 
2. D. 
3. C. 
4. A 
5. A 
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7. B. 
8. A 
9. B. 
10. B. 
11. B. 
12. B. 
13. D. 
14. D. 
15. D. 
16. B. 
17. A 
18. D. 
19. A 
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21. C. 
22. A 
23. D. 
24. B. 
25. B. 
26. C. 
27. C. 
28. B. 
29. A 
Liên hệ 
tác giả 
 Chịu trách nhiệm biên soạn và sưu tầm: Phan Ngọc Huy - 92 - 
Contact: huycomfH gmail.com 
30. C. 
31. A 
32. A 
33. C. 
34. A 
35. B. 
36. C. 
37. B. 
38. A 
39. B. 
40. C. 
60. a 
Sắp phát hành bộ đề ôn luyện thi Đại Học Môn Tiếng Anh 
Mọi thắc mắc xin liên hê: Phan gọc Huy, Trường THPT Lộc Ninh 
Email: huycomf@gmail.com 
Ôi dào! Mấy cái đề thi này dễ ợt à. 
Bác Comf, cho thêm đề nữa đi. Nhớ 
là kho khó chút he. 

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