Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Unit 6: Future jobs - Lesson: Reading


Preparing for a job interview can be stressful, particularly when you are called for the first interview. Below are pieces of advice that can be help you reduce the feeling of pressure and create a good impression on your interviewer.

Before the interview

You should find out as much as possible about the job and the vacancy. Before the interview, you have to send a letter of application and your résumés to company to express your interest in the job and to show that you might be the most suitable candidate for the position.

When you come to the interview, remember to bring with you your school certificates and letters of recommendation from your teachers or your previous employers. In addition, you may jot down your qualifications and experience that can relate to the job and prepare for the questions that are often asked during the interview.

Make sure you know where the interview is and how to get there. Be on time or a few minutes early. Don’t forget to dress neatly and formally.


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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Unit 6: Future jobs - Lesson: Reading
UNIT 6: 
Choose a number and answer the questions 
- Each group chooses a number . 
If any group anwsers the question at the 1 st cue, you will get 10 points. And at 2 nd cue, you will get 5 points. 
 The winner who has the higher mark will get a gift. 
I often compose some pieces of music. Who am I? 
I fly a plane. Who am I ? 
I help people when they are sick 
I travel a lot and show tourists around interesting places 
I am a member of an army. 
I often apply new farming techniques 
I teach English at school. Who am I? 
What would you like to be in the future?? 
Lesson 1. Reading 
Unit 6 
Future jobs 
Wearing casual clothes 
Giving clear, honest answers 
Feeling self-confident 
Feeling nervous 
Having a good sense of humor 
Avoiding difficult questions 
Work in groups. Tick (  ) the factors that you think would help you succeed in a job interview . 
Preparing for a job interview can be stressful, particularly when you are called for the first interview. Below are pieces of advice that can be help you reduce the feeling of pressure and create a good impression on your interviewer. 
Before the interview 
You should find out as much as possible about the job and the vacancy . Before the interview, you have to send a letter of application and your résumés to company to express your interest in the job and to show that you might be the most suitable candidate for the position. 
When you come to the interview, remember to bring with you your school certificates and letters of recommendation from your teachers or your previous employers. In addition, you may jot down your qualifications and experience that can relate to the job and prepare for the questions that are often asked during the interview. 
Make sure you know where the interview is and how to get there. Be on time or a few minutes early. Don’t forget to dress neatly and formally. 
During the interview 
You should concentrate on what the interview is saying and make a real effort to answer all the question the interview asks. Be clear, polite and honest. If you do not know something about the more technical aspects of the job, admit it and stress that you are willing to learn. Show enthusiasm when the job is explained to you. Always show your best side, your keenness to work and your sense of responsibility. 
Don’t forget to say goodbye to the interviewer before leaving the office 
After the interview 
If you are offered the position, congratulations! If you don’t get the job, try not to be too disappointed. Think about the interview’s comment because they may help you prepare better when you are called for the next job interview. Good luck! 
1. interview (v, n) ['intəvju:]: 
- interviewer (n) ['intəvju:ə] 
- interviewee (n) [,intəvju:'i:] 
 Phỏng vấn 
Cuộc phỏng vấn 
: (V) 
: (N) 
 Người phỏng vấn 
Người được phỏng vấn 
 2. pressure (n) ['pre∫ə(r)] 
= Stress (n) 
Áp lực, sức ép 
 3. impression (n) [im'pre∫n] 
This is the first time I have met a so beautiful girl. She left an unforgettable impression. 
Ấn tượng 
 4. certificate (n) [sə'tifik ә t ] 
Bằng cấp, chứng chỉ 
5. dress neatly and formally (v) 
Ăn mặc gọn gàng, trang trọng 
 6. shortcoming (n) ['∫ɔ:t,kʌmiη] 
 e. g: Don’t tell the interviewer about your shortcomings 
 7. letter of recommendation (n) 
Nhược điểm, Điểm yếu 
ABC. Ltd Company Letter of recommendation 
John Smith 
1234 First Street 
Suite 567 
Dear, HM Manager of ABC. Ltd Company 
It is with pleasure that I send a letter of recommendation for (name) 
I have been acquainted with him for a number of years through a business relationship that we have maintained over the years. He is currently a supplier of our organization, that being the organization where I hold an executive position. 
It is always pleasure dealing with (name) because he not only has a remarkable disposition, but also due to the fact that I know I can always rely on him to supply the respective goods according to schedule. 
[ Jill Jones] 
thư giới thiệu 
= Weak point 
 8. concentrate on (v) [ 'kɔns ə ntreit] 
: Tập trung vào 
Eg: I can not concentrate on stuyding maths because of the noise of vehicle 
 = focus on 
 1. interview (v, n) : (cuộc) phỏng vấn 
 - interviewer (n) : người phỏng vấn 
 - interviewee (n) : người được phỏng vấn 
 2. pressure (n) : áp lực, sức ép 
 3. impression (n): ấn tượng 
 4. certificate (n) : chứng chỉ, bằng cấp 
 5. dress neatly and formally (v): ăn mặc gọn gàng, trang trọng 
 6. shortcoming (n): khuyết điểm 
 7. letter of recommendation (n): thư giới thiệu 
 8 . concentrate on (v): tập trung vào 
Read the passage and do

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