Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Unit 4: School education system - Period 25: Writing

Reorder the following sentences into a completed paragraph.

a. Nursery school and kindergarten are optional in Vietnam.

b. The pre-school in Vietnam consists of nursery school and kindergarten.

c. They move to kindergarten when they are 4 years old.

d. Children start to go to nursery school at the age of three.

e. They will finish the optional education at the age of five.

f. The first term is from September to December. The second term lasts from January to May.

g. The academic year in Vietnam runs from September to May and is divided into 2 terms.


Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Unit 4: School education system - Period 25: Writing trang 1

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Unit 4: School education system - Period 25: Writing

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Unit 4: School education system - Period 25: Writing
Period 25: Writing 
Unit 4 
School Education System 
Welcome to Our Class 
Nursery School 
 Primary School 
Lower Secondary School 
Upper Secondary School 
What grade of 
education are 
these students in? 
Level of education 
Primary education 
National examination for GCSE 
Secondary education 
Lower secondary 
Upper secondary 
The school education system in Vietnam 
The formal school education system 
Reorder the following sentences into a completed paragraph. 
a. Nursery school and kindergarten are optional in Vietnam. 
b. The pre-school in Vietnam consists of nursery school and kindergarten. 
c. They move to kindergarten when they are 4 years old. 
d. Children start to go to nursery school at the age of three. 
e. They will finish the optional education at the age of five. 
f. The first term is from September to December. The second term lasts from January to May. 
g. The academic year in Vietnam runs from September to May and is divided into 2 terms. 
1._____ 2. ______ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. ____ 6. _____ 7. ______ 
Model Writing 
 The pre-school in Vietnam consists of nursery school and kindergarten. Nursery school and kindergarten are optional in Vietnam. Children start to go to nursery school at the age of three. They move to kindergarten when they are 4 years old. They will finish the optional education at the age of five. The academic year in Vietnam runs from September to May and is divided into 2 terms. The first term is from September to December. The second term lasts from January to May. 
Useful language 
Gồm có 
Kéo dài từ đến 
Được chia thành  
Thi tốt nghiệp 
Ex: Class 12B5 consists of 42 students 
Ex: In Vietnam, summer holiday runs/ is from June to August . 
Ex: The academic year in England is divided into 3 terms. 
Ex: Students can take the national examination for GCSE 
when they finish the secondary education. 
- Consist of + Ns / es : 
Run / Be from  to : 
- To be divided into : 
- Take the national examination for GCSE: 
- Move to : 
Chuyển lên 
Ex: Students move to kindergarten when they are 4 years old. 
- Tense: 
Simple present tense 
- S + Vs /es + O 
- S + is/am/are + C 
- Last + a period of time: 
Kéo dài 1 khoảng thời gian  
Ex: The optional education in Vietnam lasts 3 years. 
 The pre-school in Vietnam consists of nursery school and kindergarten. Nursery school and kindergarten are optional in Vietnam. Children start to go to nursery school at the age of three. They move to kindergarten when they are 4 years old. They will finish the optional education at the age of five. The academic year in Vietnam runs from September to May and is divided into 2 terms. The first term is from September to December. The second term lasts from January to May. 
The pre-school in Vietnam consists of nursery school and kindergarten. Nursery school and kindergarten are optional in Vietnam. Children start to go to nursery school at the age of three. 
They move to kindergarten when they are 4 years old. They will finish the optional education at the age of five. The academic year in Vietnam runs from September to May and is divided into 2 terms. The first term is from September to December. The second term lasts from January to May. 
1. Topic sentence 
2. Supporting sentences 
a - How long does the primary / lower secondary/ upper secondary education last? From what age do students start to go to primary/ lower secondary/ upper secondary school? 
 How many levels of education does the formal school education system in Vietnam consist of? 
b - What levels of education are compulsory? How many years does the compulsory education last? 
c - How long does the academic year in Vietnam last? When? 
d - When can students take the national examination for GCSE? 
e - How many terms are there in a school year in Vietnam? 
What and when are they? 
Write a paragraph on the formal school education system in Vietnam in about 150 words. 
You can start with: 
The formal school education system in Vietnam consists of two levels of education, primary and secondary education.  
Share your writings and check your friends’ based on the check-list: 
1. Does the paragraph start with the given sentence? 
2. Does the paragraph include all the information in the outline? 
3. Underline any wrong spelling word . 
4. Circle any grammatical mistake. 
 The formal school system in Vietnam consists of two levels of education, primary and secondary education. The children start grade 1 at the age of 6 and they normally complete the primary education at the age of 10. They move to lower secondary school to study in grade 6 when they are 11 years old. They will 

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