Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Period 67: Revision Unit 10+11



1. Modal verbs (Unit 10)

 2. Passive voice (Unit 11)

 Exercise 1: Change the sentences into passive voice

1. Ann invited Tom to the party yesterday.


2. Tom will visit his parents next month.

His parents....................................................................

3. Someone has locked the door.

The door....................................................................

4. Students often use a ruler to draw a straight line.

A ruler....................................................................

5. You should leave your shoes before entering the room.

Your shoes....................................................................

6. Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen.

The dinner....................................................................

7. Our country exports rice to many countries in the world.


8. She made a lot of mistakes in the examination.

A lot of mistakes....................................................................


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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Period 67: Revision Unit 10+11
 1. Modal verbs (Unit 10) 
1. HTĐ (S+ V/ Vs/es + O) 
2 . QKĐ(S + V-ed/ cột 2) 
3. HTTD (S + am/ is/ are +V-ing + O) 
4. QKTD (S+ was/ were + V-ing + O) 
5. HTHT (S + have/ has + Vpp +O) 
6. QKHT (S + had + Vpp +O) 
7. TLĐ (S + will/ shall+ V + O) 
8. S + am/is/are + going to + V + O 
S + is / am / are + Vpp + (by O) 
S + were / was + Vpp + (by O) 
S + is/ am / are being + Vpp + (by O) 
S + was / were being + Vpp + 
 (by O) 
S + have / has been + Vpp + 
(by O) 
S + had been + Vpp + (by O) 
S + will/ shall + be +Vpp + (by O) 
S + am/ is/ are + going to be + Vpp 
+ (by O) 
 2. Passive voice (Unit 11) 
 Exercise 1: Change the sentences into passive voice 
1. Ann invited Tom to the party yesterday. 
2. Tom will visit his parents next month. 
His parents............................................................ 
3. Someone has locked the door. 
The door................................................................. 
4. Students often use a ruler to draw a straight line. 
A ruler...................................................................... 
5. You should leave your shoes before entering the room. 
Your shoes................................................................. 
6. Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen. 
The dinner.................................................................. 
7. Our country exports rice to many countries in the world. 
8. She made a lot of mistakes in the examination. 
A lot of mistakes..................................................... 
 Exercise 2: Choose the best answer 
1. The Red List is a special book that provides names of ________animals. 
hunted 	B. vulnerable and endangered 
C. endangered 	D. extinct 
2. It is a good book. I think it is interesting enough for you to _________________. 
A. put down 	 B. swallow 	 C. look up 	 D. understand 
3. The room ________ once a day. 
A. should clean 	B. should be cleaning 
C. should be cleaned 	D. should have cleaned 
4. The train___________by bad weather. I am not sure. 
A. might delay	B. might be delaying 
C. might have delayed	D. might have been delayed 
5. Toxic chemicals from factories are for one of the serious factors that leads wildlife to the _________ of extinction. 
A. wall	B. fence	C. verge	D. bridge 
6. It’s a school rule, all the pupils _________ wear a uniform. 
A. have to	B. might	C. must	D. need 
7. A ________ is the story of a person’s life written by 
somebody else. 
A. romance	B. fiction	C. biography	D. science 
8. Many plant and animal species are in danger of ________. 
extinct	B. extinction	C. extinctive	D. extincting 
9. The photos ................... in a London studio last week. 
were taken B. have taken C. was taken D. have been taken 
10. They are building a new zoo near my village. 
A. A new zoo is being built near my village. 
B. A new zoo will be built near my village.	 
C. A new zoo is built near my village.	 
D. A new zoo is being building near my village. 
11. If you ________ a book, you have a brief look at it without reading or studying it seriously. 
a. dip into 	b. put away 	c. pick up 	d. put down 
 Exercise 2: Choose the best answer 
1. Choose the words with the different pronunciation of the underlined part. 
1. A. d un e	B. t un e	C. f u ture	 D. u ntil 
2. A. des er t	B. ins er t	C. teach er 	 D. c er tain 
3. A. sl ow 	B. d ow n	C. sh ow 	 D. swall ow 
4. A. h i de	B. i vory	C. decl i ne	 D. cont i nent 
5. A. remain ed 	B. explor ed 	 
 C. separat ed 	D. travel ed 
II. Choose the word which is stressed differently form the rest. 
1. A. species	B. destroy	C. extinct	D. reduce 
2. A. comprise	B. sandy	C. circle	D. northern 
3. A. incredible	 B. Canadian	 
 C. fascinating	 D. amazingly 
4. A. survive	B. distinct	C. wildlife	D. support 
5. A. serious	 B. extinction	 
 C. endangered	 D. performance 
 Exercise 2: Choose the best answer 
1. A _________ is a landscape or region that receives very little precipitation. 
A. dune	B. desert	C. sandy area	D. shrub land 
2. A(n) ________ is a book that someone writes about their own life. 
biography	 B. autobiography 	 
C. romance	 D. historical novel 
3. Deserts take _____ one-third of the Earth’s land surface. 
A. over	B. on	C. up	D. after 
4. After three hours of climbing, we finally reached the ________ of the mountain. 
A. crest	B. steep	C. corridor	D. foot 
5. ________ books are ones in which the story is told or illustrated with pictures. 
A. Comic	B. Thriller	C. Romance	D. Science 
6. A novel is usually divided into several _______. 
A. sections	B. units	C. chapters	D. passage 
7. Dry salt lakes _________ 70 kilometers long and 1

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