Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 9: Undersea world - Period 62: Language focus - Ngo Thi Hau

Practice these sentences :

1. Let’s have some beer, dear.

2. What a good idea! The atmosphere here is very clear.

3. Where are my shoes? They are nowhere here.

4. Have you looked carefully everywhere?

5. I am sure he is far from poor.

6. Well , actually he usually wears casual clothes.


Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 9: Undersea world - Period 62: Language focus - Ngo Thi Hau trang 1

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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 9: Undersea world - Period 62: Language focus - Ngo Thi Hau trang 10

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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 9: Undersea world - Period 62: Language focus - Ngo Thi Hau
Welcome to our class 10 A1 
Teacher: Ngo Thi Hau 
Warm-up: Who is she? 
She usually drinks Coca-cola and never drinks beer. 
She has short black hair 
She has just been awarded for her first place in the first term examination. 
 She is one of the best students in your class. 
She is Phuong Mai 
What sounds are we going to learn today? 
She drinks tea and never drinks . 
She has short black 
She has just been awarded for her first place in the first term examination. 
 She is one of the best students in your lass. 
 Period 62 : Language focus 
Unit 9: Undersea world 
Friday, January 11 th 2013 
 here pair poor 
 dear chair sure 
 clear square tour 
 idea where usual 
 cheers upstairs casual 
 atmosphere carefully actually 
I. Pronunciation 
Unit 9: Undersea world - Period 62: Language focus 
Listen and repeat. 
/ iə / / eə / / uə / 
UNIT 9 : 
Undersea world 
Lesson 5: Language focus 
Practice these sentences : 
1 . Let’s have some beer, dear. 
2 . What a good idea ! The atmosphere here is very clear. 
3 . Where are my shoes? They are nowhere here. 
4 . Have you looked carefully everywhere? 
5 . I am sure he is far from poor. 
6 . Well , actually he usually wears casual clothes. 
Unit 9: Undersea world - Period 62: Language focus 
 You should study as 
 hard as her. 
Presentation 1: 
Unit 9: Undersea world - Period 62: Language focus 
They shouldn’t 
play games online too much 
Unit 9: Undersea world - Period 62: Language focus 
Presentation 2: 
II. Grammar and vocabulary: 
Unit 9: Undersea world-Period 62: Language focus 
* Formation : 
( +) S + should + V ( without to) + O. 
( - ) S + should + not + V ( without to) + O . 
( ? ) Should + S + V ( without to) + O ? 
* Usage : “SHOULD” is used to express advice and suggestion. 
Examples: - You should study as hard as her. 
 - They shouldn’t play games online too much. 
Exercise 1 . a. Match each situation in column A with a suitable verb in column B. 
Unit 9: Undersea world-Period 62: Language focus 
Liz needs a change. 
2. My salary is very low. 
3. Jack always has difficulty getting up 
4. What a beautiful view! 
5. Sue drives everywhere. She never walks. 
6. Bill’s room isn’t very interesting 
a. go away for a few days 
b. go to bed so late 
c. look for another job d. put some pictures on the walls 
e. take a photograph 
f. use her car so much 
Exercise 1 . b. Now write sentences with “should” or “shouldn’t” 
Unit 9: Undersea world-Period 62: Language focus 
Liz needs a change. 
2. My salary is very low. 
3. Jack always has difficulty getting up 
4. What a beautiful view! 
5. Sue drives everywhere. She never walks. 
6. Bill’s room isn’t very interesting 
a. go away for a few days 
b. go to bed so late 
c. look for another job d. put some pictures on the walls 
e. take a photograph 
f. use her car so much 
Example: 1. (Liz needs a change.) She should go away for a few days. 
2. (My salary is very low.) You 
3.(Jack always has difficulty getting up.) He . 
4. (What a beautiful view!) You. 
5. (Sue drives everywhere. She never walks.) She  
6. (Bill’s room isn’t very interesting) He . 
 should look for another jobs. 
 shouldn’t go to bed so late . 
 should take a photograph. 
 shouldn’t use her car so much . 
 should put some pictures on the walls. 
 How to give advice: 
Unit 9: Undersea world-Period 62: Language focus 
Situation: Peter and Mary are planning to get married. You think it’s a bad idea. ( get married) 
 I think S + should + Verb. 
 I don’t think S should + Verb. 
= I think S + shouldn’t + Verb. 
I don’t think they should 
get married. 
I think they shouldn’t 
get married. 
Unit 9: Undersea world-Period 62: Language focus 
Exercise 2 . Read the situations and write sentences with 
 I think / I don’t think  should... 
2. You don’t like smoking ,especially in restaurants. (be banned) => I think .. 
smoking should be banned, especially in restaurants. 
3. I have a very bad cold but I plan to go out this evening  You don’t think this is a good idea You say to me: (go out)  
4.You are fed up with the boss .You think he has made too many mistakes. (resign) 
=> I think the boss should resign. 
You say to me: I don’t think you should go out this evening. 
=> If Mai didn’t study hard, she wouldn’t get a lot of good marks. 
Mai studies hard. 
 She gets a lot of good marks. 
 * If clause : 
(+) S + V-ed/ P1 / were 
(-) S + didn’t + V / weren’t 
 * Main clause : 
(+) S + would + Verb. 
(+) S + would not + Verb. 
(?) Would + S + Verb? 
If Mai didn’t study hard, she wouldn’t get a lot of good marks. 
Usage : To express an 
untrue or unreal 
condition at the present. 
Mai studies hard. 
 She gets a lot of good marks. 
2. Conditional sentence 
 type 2 
Exercise 3 . Put the verbs into t

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