Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 9: Undersea world - Lesson: Listening

Before you listen

1. Do you think whales are fish? Why (not)?

 Whales are not fish.

 They are mamals.

 They give birth to calves and raise them by milk.

2. Why do people keep hunting whales?

 Whales are hunted for food, oil, medicine and other products.


Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 9: Undersea world - Lesson: Listening trang 1

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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 9: Undersea world - Lesson: Listening trang 10

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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 9: Undersea world - Lesson: Listening
Sea creatures 
Unit 9: Undersea world  Listening 
Before you listen 
Do you think whales are fish? Why (not)? 
 	Whales are not fish. 
	They are mamals . 
	They give birth to calves and raise them by milk. 
2. Why do people keep hunting whales? 
	Whales are hunted for food, oil, medicine and other products. 
Before you listen 
Listen and repeat 
Mam mal(n .)	 Krill(n .) 
Blue whale(n .)	 Whaling(n .) 
At lan tic(n .) 	 Pa ci fic(n .) 
Conser va tion(n .)	 Mi grate(v .) 
While you listen 
 Task 1 
	Listen to some information about whales and decide whether the following statements are true(T ) or false(F ). 
The whale is the third largest animal that has ever lived on Earth. 
Whales are said to be the most intelligent animals in the oceans. 
Some whales are known to move into warm waters to give birth. 
Whales are in danger because of the increase in population of other sea animals. 
Some people are still killing whales for food. 
While you listen 
Task 2 
	Listen again and then answer the following questions by choosing the best answers A, B or C. 
While you listen 
What is the length and weight of the blue whale? 
Why do whales like to feed in the cold waters? 
According to the listening passage, what are the food feeding grounds for whales? 
What have conservation groups asked the International Whaling Commission to do? 
What would happen if we didn’t take any measures to protect whales? 
	What is the length and weight of the blue whale ? 
13 metres in length and over 200,000 kg in weight. 
30 metres in length and over 200,000 kg in weight. 
30 metres in length and over 20,000 kg in weight. 
Question 1 
	 Why do whales like to feed in the cold waters? 
Because there is a lot of their main diet in the cold waters. 
Because there is a lot of krills in the cold waters. 
Both A and B. 
Question 2 
According to the listening passage, what are the food feeding grounds for whales? 
North and South Atlantic Ocean and South Pacific Ocean. 
North and South Atlantic Ocean and North Pacific Ocean. 
North and South Atlantic Ocean and North and South Pacific Ocean. 
Question 3 
	 What have conservation groups asked the International Whaling Commission to do? 
They have asked the Commission not to use products from whales. 
They have asked the Commission to give up most whales hunting. 
They have asked the Commission to pass a law on whales hunting. 
Question 4 
	 What would happen if we didn’t take any measures to protect whales? 
They would soon become extinct. 
They would no longer exist. 
C. 	 Both A and B. 
Question 5 
After you listen 
Work in groups of three or four students. 
Talk about whales, using the following cues. 
 Their length and weight 
 Their feeding grounds and food 
 The reasons for protecting whales 
	 Write a short paragraph ( 8 – 10 sentences) about whales using the information in the listening passage. 

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