Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 4: Special education - Lesson 2: Speaking

I. Warm up

II.Before you speak

New Words

Task 1.The interview question

Here are the seven questions you may find useful for your interview. Think of the answer to each question.

1. What were your subjects then?

2. What was your timetable?

3. What about homework?

4. Which lower-secondary school did you go to?

5. What part of the school life didn’t you like then?

6. Can you tell me about the tests and examinations at your school then?

7. What did you like best about your school then?


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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 4: Special education - Lesson 2: Speaking
Unit 4  Special education  Lesson 2 - Speaking 
I. Warm up 
Subjects at school. 
/ɪnfəmeɪʃn teknɒlədʒi/ 
Physical education 
fɪzɪkl edʒukeɪʃn/ 
Subjects at school. 
Toán học 
Vật lý 
Hóa học 
Văn học 
Sinh học 
Lịch sử 
Địa lý 
Tiếng Anh 
Information technology 
Tin học 
Physical education 
Giáo dục thể chất 
II.Before you speak  New Words 
môn học 
thời khóa biểu 
bài tập về nhà 
lower-secondary school 
/ləʊə sekəndri skul/ 
trường THCS 
Task 1.The interview question 
Here are the seven questions you may find useful for your interview. Think of the answer to each question. 
1. What were your subjects then? 
2. What was your timetable? 
3. What about homework? 
4. Which lower-secondary school did you go to? 
5. What part of the school life didn’t you like then? 
6. Can you tell me about the tests and examinations at your school then? 
7. What did you like best about your school then? 
1. What were your subjects then? 
(Hồi đó các môn học của bạn là gì?) 
 Maths, physics, chemistry, etc. 
2. What was your timetable? 
(Thời khóa biểu của bạn như thế nào?) 
I went to school in the afternoon and had four classes everyday. 
3. What about homework? 
(Thế còn bài tập về nhà?) 
 I didn’t have much homework. 
4. Which lower-secondary school did you go to? 
 (Bạn học trường cấp 2 nào?) 
I went to Ky lam lower-secondary school. 
5. What part of the school life didn’t you like then? 
 (Hồi đó bạn không thích điều gì khi đi học?) 
I didn’t like the uniform. 
6. Can you tell me about the tests and examinations at your school then? 
(Kể cho mình về các bài kiểm tra và kỳ thi ở trường bạn hồi đó đi) 
I had fifteen minute tests and oral tests. 
7. What did you like best about your school then? 
(Bạn thích nhất điều gì ở trường?) 
I loved my teachers and friends. 
Now, fill in the blanks of the interview in textbook with the right questions you have discused 
III. While you speak 
Task 2. Interview 
Interview your partner, using the following questions 
What were your subjects then? 
What was your timetable? 
What about homework? 
Which lower-secondary school did you go to? 
What part of the school life didn’t you like? 
Can you tell me about the tests and examinations at your school then? 
What did you like best about your school then? 
Task 3. Monologue 
*Can you retell what your friend has told you? 
 Remember to: 
change ‘I’ to ‘he/she’ 
keep the past tense 
IV. After you speak 
Lan went to Tu Thinh lower-secondary school.She had to learn many subjects then. Her favorite subject was Chemistry, however she was the best student in History. She went to school every day and usually had 5 classes, except for Wednesday, when the teachers had meetings, so she was able to leave earlier. During the semester, she had to do many tests: oral tests, fifteen minute tests, forty-five minute tests and one big final examination at the end of the semester. She had a lot of homework, too, and she didn’t have much free time. She worked with her friends because she think group work was good for both of them. She loved her school, loved her teachers, and her friends, except for the uniforms. She think all the students looked quite boring in the uniforms. 
Practise interviewing somebody about their school life again 
Write a short paragraph about what you know about them. 
Prepare lesson 3 - Listening 
thanks your attendant 

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