Bài giảng môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Unit 4: Caring for those in need - Lesson: Speaking


A: What kinds of volunteer work are you participating in ?

B : We are .

A : What exactly are you doing ?

B : We are .

A: Do you enjoy your work ? Why?

B: Yes, I do. Because I like helping people

Bài giảng môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Unit 4: Caring for those in need - Lesson: Speaking trang 1

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Bài giảng môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Unit 4: Caring for those in need - Lesson: Speaking
SPEAKING Match the activities in A with what exactly you are doing in B 
1. helping people in remote or mountainous areas. 
2. giving care and comfort to the poor and the sick. 
3. joining the Green Saturday Movement. 
4. helping old or sick people. 
5. helping disadvantaged or handicapped children. 
6. taking care of war invalids and the families of martys. 
7. taking part in directing the traffic. 
a. teaching the children to read and write. 
b. giving them money. 
c. playing games with them. 
d. listening to their problems. 
e. cleaning up their houses. 
f. doing their shopping. 
g. cooking meals. 
h. taking them to the places of interest. 
i. directing vehicles at the intersections. 
j. helping old people and young children to cross the road. 
A: What kinds of volunteer work are you participating in ? 
B : We are ........................................ 
A : What exactly are you doing ? 
B : We are ........................................ 
A: Do you enjoy your work ? Why? 
B: Yes, I do. Because I like helping people . 
helping old or sick people 
giving them money 
volunteer (n, v) 
voluntary (adj) 
voluntarily (adv) 
to mow (v) 
lawn (n) 
disadvantaged children (n) 
handicapped children (n) 
orphanage (n) 
natural disaster (n) 
the aged (n) 
Use a suitable form of the word “volunteer” to complete the sentences below: 
When he retired, he did a lot of ____ service for the Red Cross. 
She was not fired. She left the company _________. 
She needs some ___________ to clean up the kitchen. 
Last month, the company ____ to donate fifty trucks to help the flooded areas. 
1. voluntary 
2. voluntarily 
3. volunteers 
4. volunteered 
Read the text and choose the best answer of each statement below : 
Volunteers usually help those who are sick or old in their homes by _____ . 
mowing the lawns, doing shopping and cleaning up in their homes. 
cooking, sewing, or washing their clothes. 
telling them stories, and singing and dancing for them. 
taking them to baseball games. 
Choose the best answer 
2. Big Brother is ______ . 
a. the name of a club. 
b. a home for children. 
c. the name of a film. 
d. an organization for boys who no longer have fathers . 
3. Most of the boys’ and girls’ clubs use many high school and college students as volunteers because they ________ . 
a. have a lot of free time. 
b. can understand the problems of younger boys and girls. 
c. know how to do the work. 
d. are good at playing games. 
Choose the best answer 
4. Volunteers believe that ________. 
a. In order to make others happy. 
b. The happiest people are those who make themselves happy. 
c. The happiest people are those who are young and healthy. 
d. Bringing happiness to others makes them the happiest people. 
5. The best title for the passage is _________ . 
Taking Care of Others. 
Voluntary Work in the United States. 
Volunteers : The Happiest People in the World. 
Helping Old and Sick People in the United States. 
What do high school and college students usually do as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages or homes for the aged ? 
How do volunteers help disadvantaged and handicapped children to overcome their difficulties? 
Where do students volunteer to work during summer vacations? 
They usually visit their places. They read books to people there, play games with them or listen to their problems. 
They give care and comfort to them. 
They volunteer to work in remote or mountainous areas. 
Discuss the question “Why do people do volunteer work?” 
To make less severe for 
the disadvantaged 
To listen to them and 
understand their thought 
To give care and comfort to them 
To help them overcome 
their difficulties 
Spring school (n) 
Formal # informal (adj) 
Street children (n) 
To co-operate (v) 
Fund – raising (n) 
To set up = to establish (v) 
Organization for Educational Development (n) 
Annually (adj) 
Aim (n) 
Listen and fill in the missing information 
street children 
250 children 
street children 
250 children 
What is the aim of Spring School? 
What classes was set up in 1999? 
Why do children participate in fund – raising performances? 
Where do children dance, sing and play music? 
 Why are foreign volunteers needed? 
It provides classes to disadvantaged children in Ho Chi Minh City. 
Dance, theatre, singing and folk music classes. 
Because they need money to continue their English and Performance Arts classes. 
At one of the largest hotels in Ho Chi Minh City. 
Because the school needs help to organise the dinner held annually in June. 
WRITINGAn Acknowledge letter (thư cảm tạ) 
Tenses : simple present and simple future. 
Outline (dàn bài) 

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