Bài giảng môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 4: Special education - Lesson 5: Language focus

 Practise these sentences:

1. Put the socks on top of the box.

2. He lost his job as a doctor in the hospital.

3. What’s wrong with you, boss?

4. Is walking called a sport?

5. He can’t talk to her any more.

6. Four of us have walked for fourteen miles.


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Bài giảng môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 4: Special education - Lesson 5: Language focus
Language Focus 
UNIT 4: 
Group the words according to 
the vowel sound: / / or / Ɔ : / . 
bottle, not, dog, sport, stop, 
corner, morning, walk, boss, 
box, shop, more 
Lesson 5 : Language Focus 
bottle, not, dog, sport, stop, 
corner, morning, walk, boss, 
box, shop, more 
 / ɒ / 
 / Ɔ : / 
/ / 
w a ter 
wh a t 
w a sh 
/ / 
qu ar ter 
 Practise these sentences: 
1. Put the socks on top of the box. 
2. He lost his job as a doctor in the hospital. 
3. What’s wrong with you, boss? 
4. Is walking called a sport? 
5. He can’t talk to her any more. 
6. Four of us have walked for fourteen miles. 
 Practise these sentences: 
1. Put the socks on top of the box. 
 / ɒ / / ɒ // ɒ / / ɒ / 
2. He lost his job as a doctor in the hospital. 
 / ɒ / / ɒ / / ɒ / / ɒ / 
3. What’s wrong with you, boss? 
 / ɒ / / ɒ / / ɒ / 
4. Is walking called a sport? 
 / Ɔ:/ / Ɔ:/ / Ɔ:/ 
5. He can’t talk to her any more. 
 / Ɔ:/ / Ɔ:/ 
6. Four of us have walked for fourteen miles. 
 / Ɔ :/ /Ɔ:/ /Ɔ:/ /Ɔ:/ 
Can they see? 
The blind 
Who are they? 
Can they hear? 
The deaf 
1.The + adjective = plural noun 
Ex: the poor, the rich, the sick 
Exercise 1: complete sentences using the + adjective (textbook, page 52) 
Complete these sentences using “The + one of the adjectives”: injured, poor, rich, sick, unemployed, young 
1) The young have the future in their hands. 
2) Ambulances arrived at the scene of the accident and took to hospital. 
3) Life is all right if you have a job, but things are not so easy for. 
4) Julia has been a nurse all her life. She has spent her life caring for . 
5) In England there is an old story about a man called Robin Hood. It is said that he robbed .and gave the money to. 
the injured 
the unemployed 
the sick 
the rich 
the poor 
He often smoked a few years ago. 
Now he stops smoking/doesn’t smoke any more . 
He used to smoke 
 Form : 	 (+) S + used to + V. inf . + O 
 Ex: I used to cry when I was a baby . 
	 (-) S + didn’t + use to + V. inf . + O 
 Ex: She didn’t use to go to school on foot . 
	 (?) Did + S + use to + V. inf. + O ? 
	 Yes, S + did. / No, S + didn’t. 
 Ex: Did you use to eat cakes when you were a child? 	- Yes , I did . 
 Use : To express a past habit and state. 	 
2. Used to + infinitive 
 Complete the sentence with used to + a suitable verb : 
1. Liz .... a motorbike, but last year she sold it and bought a car. 
2. Jim.. my best friend but we aren’t friends any longer. 
3. We came to live in Manchester a few years ago. 
We...........................in Nottingham. 
4. When you lived in London,you. 
to the theatre? 
5. Janeice cream when she was a child, but now she rarely eats it. 
used to live 
used to be 
 used to have / used to ride 
did you use to go 
used to eat 
Hoa doesn’t get good mark, which is a pity. 
Hoa doesn’t get good mark. This (it) is a pity. 
Which = this / it 
“Which” is used as a connector 
Exercise 3 – (textbook- page 53) 
Exercise 3:  Join a sentence from A with one from B to make a new sentence. Use “which”. 
Sheila couldn’t come to the party. 
Jill isn’t on the phone. 
Neil has passed his examinations. 
Our flight was delayed. 
Ann offered to put me up for the night. 
The street I live in is very noisy at night. 
Our car has broken down. 
This was very nice of her. 
This means we can’t go away tomorrow. 
This makes it difficult to contact her. 
This makes it difficult to sleep. 
This was a pity . 
This is good news. 
This meant we had to wait for hours at the airport. 
Sheila couldn’t come to the party, which was a pity 
Exercise 3:  Join a sentence from A with one from B to make a new sentence. Use “which”. 
Sheila couldn’t come to the party. 
Jill isn’t on the phone. 
Neil has passed his examinations. 
Our flight was delayed. 
Ann offered to put me up for the night. 
The street I live in is very noisy at night. 
Our car has broken down. 
This was very nice of her. 
This means we can’t go away tomorrow. 
This makes it difficult to contact her. 
This makes it difficult to sleep. 
This was a pity . 
This is a good news. 
This meant we had to wait for hours at the airport. 
Jill isn’t on the phone, which makes it difficult to contact her 
Exercise 3:  Join a sentence from A with one from B to make a new sentence. Use “which”. 
Sheila couldn’t come to the party. 
Jill isn’t on the phone. 
Neil has passed his examinations. 
Our flight was delayed. 
Ann offered to put me up for the night. 
The street I live in is very noisy at night. 
Our car has broken down. 
This was very nice of her. 
This means w

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