Analysis of linear elastic fracture mechanics for cracked functionally graded composite plate by enhanced local enriched consecutive - Interpolation elements

This paper reports the application of consecutive-interpolation procedure into four-node

quadrilateral elements for analysis of two-dimensional cracked solids made of functionally graded

composite plate. Compared to standard finite element method, the recent developed consecutiveinterpolation has been shown to possess many desirable features, such as higher accuracy and

smooth nodal gradients it still satisfies the Kronecker-delta property and keeps the total number of

degrees of freedom unchanged. The discontinuity in displacement fields along the crack faces and

stress singularity around the crack tips are mathematically modeled using enrichment functions. The

Heaviside function is employed to describe displacement jump, while four branch functions being

developed from asymptotic stress fields are taken as basis functions to capture singularities. The

interesting characteristic of functionall graded composite plate is the spatial variation of material

properties which are intentionally designed to be served for particular purposes. Such variation has

to be taken into account during the computation of Stress Intensity Factors (SIFs). Performance of

the proposed approach is demonstrated and verified through various numerical examples, in which

SIFs are compared with reference solutions derived from other methods available in literatures.

Analysis of linear elastic fracture mechanics for cracked functionally graded composite plate by enhanced local enriched consecutive - Interpolation elements trang 1

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Analysis of linear elastic fracture mechanics for cracked functionally graded composite plate by enhanced local enriched consecutive - Interpolation elements trang 10

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Analysis of linear elastic fracture mechanics for cracked functionally graded composite plate by enhanced local enriched consecutive - Interpolation elements

Analysis of linear elastic fracture mechanics for cracked functionally graded composite plate by enhanced local enriched consecutive - Interpolation elements
 VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 37, No. 1 (2021) 1-11 
 Original Article 
 Analysis of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics for Cracked 
 Functionally Graded Composite Plate by Enhanced Local 
 Enriched Consecutive-interpolation Elements 
 Dinh Du Nguyen1,2,*, Dinh Duc Nguyen2, Quoc Tinh Bui3 
 1Lac Hong University, Dong Nai, Vietnam 
 2VNU University of Engineering and Technology, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Viet Nam 
 3Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1-W8-22, Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8552, Japan 
 Received 03 March 2020 
 Revised 12 March 2020; Accepted 15 March 2020 
 Abstract. This paper reports the application of consecutive-interpolation procedure into four-node 
 quadrilateral elements for analysis of two-dimensional cracked solids made of functionally graded 
 composite plate. Compared to standard finite element method, the recent developed consecutive-
 interpolation has been shown to possess many desirable features, such as higher accuracy and 
 smooth nodal gradients it still satisfies the Kronecker-delta property and keeps the total number of 
 degrees of freedom unchanged. The discontinuity in displacement fields along the crack faces and 
 stress singularity around the crack tips are mathematically modeled using enrichment functions. The 
 Heaviside function is employed to describe displacement jump, while four branch functions being 
 developed from asymptotic stress fields are taken as basis functions to capture singularities. The 
 interesting characteristic of functionall graded composite plate is the spatial variation of material 
 properties which are intentionally designed to be served for particular purposes. Such variation has 
 to be taken into account during the computation of Stress Intensity Factors (SIFs). Performance of 
 the proposed approach is demonstrated and verified through various numerical examples, in which 
 SIFs are compared with reference solutions derived from other methods available in literatures. 
 Keywords: Dynamic stress intensity factors, Consecutive-interpolation procedure XFEM, 
 Composite materials FEM, cracked FGM composite plate. 
 Corresponding author. 
 Email address: 
 https// 10.25073/2588-1124/vnumap.4632 
2 D.D. Nguyen et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 37, No. 1 (2021) 1-11 
1. Introduction 
 Nowadays, composite materials have gained much attraction due to the growing applications in 
many fields including aeronautical, transportation, defense engineering, nuclear energy, electronics, 
optics, biomaterials, and energy conversion .etc [1, 2]. However, during working conditions, the 
development of crack formation is inevitable. In designing components involving FGMs, it is crucially 
important to consider imperfections, such as flaws, defects, and cracks, which are typically formed 
during the growth processes or generated by external loads during service. Fracture mechanics of FGMs, 
particularly their dynamic failures, thus plays a central role in the design of FGMs structures in order to 
improve the service quality as well as the duration life of the FGM structures. The simulation and 
computational modeling of structures containing cracks have risen as important and challenging tasks 
in risk management. Currently, thanks to advanced technology in computer sciences, many commercial 
softwares have offerered packages for computational fracture mechanics based on Finite Element 
Method, which enable engineers to solve complicated problems which cannot be done by analytical 
 FGM materials are characterized by the distinguishing feature of nonhomogeneity to 
thermomechanical properties and structural strength. Nevertheless, the stress field near the crack tip of 
FGM material for any form of elastic modulus variation is the same as homogeneous materials [3, 4]. 
The singular stress field accumulates strain energy at the crack-tip area is the cause to initiate the fracture 
in the structure. Therefore, it is not the maximum stress at a single point but the stress strength of the 
constant singularity field adjacent to the crack tip, i.e. the stress strength coefficients (SIFs), which 
determine the initiation of crack. Therefore, the proposed methods of calculating SIFs are important in 
the FGM. 
 In this study, a novel numerical approach is proposed based on Extended Finite Element Method 
(XFEM) being enhanced by consecutive-interpolation procedure (CIP) [5, 6], in order to model the 
behaviour of physical fields in the vicinity of crack tips. Here, we focus on two-dimensional bodies 
made of Funtionally Graded Materials (FGM). Particularly, the concept of enriched functions which is 
quite familiar in XFEM is employed to mathematically capture the jump of displacement across crack 
surface and the singularity of stress surrounding crack tips. The traditional XFEM-based four-node 
 ...  in Figure 2. The difference between the CIP-
enhanced element and the traditional finite element is visibly shown in Figure 2, such that the CIP-
based shape function is smooth across nodes. 
 Figure 1. Sketch of supporting nodes for an arbitrary point x located within a CQ4 element. 
4 D.D. Nguyen et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 37, No. 1 (2021) 1-11 
 Figure 2. Shape functions of (a) Q4 element and (b) CQ4 element. 
3. The XCQ4 element for plate made by functionally graded materials (FGM) 
 The fundamental idea in Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) is to capture the jump in displacement and 
singularity of stress fields in the vicinity of crack tips by the incorporation of enriched terms into the approximated 
displacement. With the utilization of enrichment approach, the CQ4 element is extended as XCQ4 element, in 
which the displacement can be approximated by 
 h ~ ~
 u (x)  Ni (x)ui  N j (x)H(x) H(x j )a j
 i I S j J cut
 4 (5) 
  Nk (x)F (x) F (xk )bk
 k K tip 1
 ~ cut
 In equation (5), Ni (x) denotes the CQ4 shape function associated with node I; J í the set of nodes belong 
the elements which are completely cut by the cracks; Ktip is the set of nodes belong to the elements containing 
crack tips; ui is the vector of nodal displacement at node i. Here H(x) is the Heaviside function which returns the 
sign of the signed distance value from point x to the crack segment; aj and bk are the additional degrees of freedom 
associated with the enriched terms. The four branch functions F (x) ( = 1, 2, 3, 4) are adopted from reference [7]. 
 r sin 
 r cos 
 2 , (6) 
 F (x)( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 )
 r sin sin  
 r cos sin  
 where (r,) is the local polar coordinate system defined at the crack center. 
4. Stress Intensity Factors (SIFs) computation in FGM plates 
 In analysis of cracked plate, including both homogeneous and non-homogeneous materials, it is 
important to determine the SIFs, which are fracture parameters being characteristics for the stress fields 
 D.D. Nguyen et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 37, No. 1 (2021) 1-11 5 
in the vicinity of crack tips. There are many methods to numerically calculate SIFs, as reported in [11]. 
In this research, the technique of J-integral is employed as follows 
 J i W  q dA 05 . C   qdA (7) 
 AA ij ij , j ijkl ,1 ij kl 
In linear elastic fracture mechanics, the relation between J and the mixed-mode SIFs (KI, KII) can be 
writted by 
 1 22
 JKK * I II (8) 
 * ETIP plane stress
where ETIP (9) 
 E/()TIP1  TIP plane strain
By some mathematical interpolation, the J-integral can be written as 
 JJJI (1) (2) (1,2) (10) 
where, J(1) and J(2) are J integrals for actual state and auxiliary state, respectively. I(1,2) is the 
interaction integral in the non-homogenous material and can be calculated by 
 I(,)1 2  (1) u (2)  (2) u (1)  (2)  (1)  qdA  (2) uC (1)  (1)  (2) qdA (11) 
 AA ij i,1 ij i, 1 ij ik 1 j , j ij , j i, 1 ijkl , 1 kl ij 
In the equation (11), q is a function of smoothly changing from q=1 adjacent crack tip to q=0 over the 
exterior boundary. Additional explanation about the impact of the function q on calculation of 
interaction integral can be found in [7]. The relationship between the SIFs (KI, KII) and the interaction 
integral for non-homogenous material is expressed as: 
 KI;KI(1) TIP (1,I ) (1) TIP (1, II ) (12) 
 I22 II
5. Computational Results 
5.1. An Edge Crack under Tensile 
 The first example, A rectangular finite plate with edge crack subjected to a uniform tensile load on 
the top and bottom are considered. Geometric are the height H, width W and crack length a, as show in 
Fig. 3. This example, the ratios H/W = 2 is selected for analysis. Two values of crack length, a/W= 0.2, 
0.4, are examined. The plane strain state is assumed. The Poisson ’s ratio is a constant as ν = 0.3 
throughout the FGM plate for all case. The Young ’s modulus are assumed to vary from left side (E1) to 
right side (E2) with the exponential rule given by 
 E( x ) E e x (13) 
 1 E
Where,  = ln 2 is the material non-homogeneity parameters. The crack is thus parallel to the 
 W E1
material gradient. 
 Firstly, the convergence of the proposed method is studied with E2/E1 = 0.2. Two sizes of crack 
length, represented by a/W = 0.2 are considered, together With four level of mesh: 9×19, 19×39, 29×59 
6 D.D. Nguyen et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 37, No. 1 (2021) 1-11 
and 39×79 XCQ4 elements. The graphs plotted in Figure 4 indicates that the approach of XCQ4 
converges well to the reference analytical solution. 
 Figure 3. Configurations for edge cracked FGM plate: a) Geometric, b) Tension loading. 
 On the other hand, the result of mode-I SIF calculated by XCQ4 element for both crack sizes, i.e. 
a/W =0.2 and 0.4, together with four ratios E2/E1 = 0.1, 0.2, 1, 5, 10. The mesh of 29 x 59 XCQ4 elements 
is used to discretize the problem domain for numerical simulation. The computed values of mode-I 
Table 1 và Table 2. Table 1 and Table 2 also report data obtained by the meshfree methods X-RPIM 
and X-MK [12], the FEM with eight-node element (Q8) by Paulino and Kim Q8 [11], and closed-form 
solution from Erdogan and Wu (1997) [12]. It is evidently shown that the results calculated by XCQ4 
are equivalent to those obtained by other methods. Numerical errors of XCQ4 with respect to the closed-
form solution vary from 0.06% to 1.24% for the case a/W = 0.2, and from 0.01% to 2.09% for the case 
a/W = 0.4. These errors are acceptable. 
 Figure 4. Variation of mode – I SIF of edge crack under tensile with ratio E2/E1 = 0.2 
 D.D. Nguyen et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 37, No. 1 (2021) 1-11 7 
 Table 1. Comparison of the normalized mode-I SIF for an edge-cracked plate under tensile loading (a/W = 0.2). 
 X-MK Paulino and Kim XCQ4 (Present)/Error 
 E /E X-PRIM [8] Analytical 
 2 1 (Formula1)[8] FEM Q8 [7] with Analytical 
 0.1 1.311 1.297 1.298 1.296 0.06% 1.297 
 0.2 1.408 1.394 1.396 1.391 0.39% 1.396 
 1 1.374 1.362 1.368 1.370 0.23% 1.373 
 5 1.131 1.120 1.132 1.146 1.24% 1.132 
 10 0.998 0.988 1.001 1.022 0.22% 1.024 
 Table 2. Comparison of the normalized mode-I SIF for an edge-cracked plate under tensile loading (a/W = 0.4). 
 X-MK Paulino and Kim XCQ4 (Present)/Error 
 E2/E1 X-PRIM [8] Analytical 
 (Formula1)[8] FEM Q8 [7] with Analytical 
 0.1 2.582 2.567 2.543 2.525 1.74% 2.570 
 0.2 2.462 2.448 2.429 2.414 1.20% 2.443 
 1 2.127 2.115 2.108 2.101 0.27% 2.107 
 5 1.751 1.741 1.744 1.748 0.01% 1.748 
 10 1.585 1.577 1.583 1.592 2.09% 1.626 
5.2. Edge cracked FGM plate under shear loading 
 In this example, the mixed mode problem of a rectangular FGM plate with an edge crack being 
subject to shear loading, as shown in Figure 5 is considered. The dimensions of the plate are given by: 
height H = 16, and width W = 7. Crack length is defined by ratio a/W = 0.5. The bottom edge of the 
plate is fixed, while a uniform distributed shear load is applied on the top edge. The same material 
properties with Example 4.1 are used, with the following ratios E2/E1 = 0.5, 0.557, 0.667, 0.833, 1, 1.25, 
2, 2.5, 5, and 10. When E2/E1 = 1, the analytical solution for homogeneous material was reported by 
Belytschko et al [13] as KI = 34.0 and KII = 4.55. Good performance of XCQ4 element for homogeneous 
material was recently demonstrated by Bui et al. [7]. In this example, the FGM plate is discretized by a 
mesh of 29 59 XCQ4 elements. 
 Figure 5. Edge cracked FGM plate under shear loading: geometry notation and boundary condition. 
8 D.D. Nguyen et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 37, No. 1 (2021) 1-11 
 Figure 6. The values have been normalized by the exact solution for a uniform E [9] of edge crack FGM plate 
 under shear loading: (a) mode-I SIF, (b) mode-II SIF 
 Figure 4.4a and b exhibit the values of normalized mode-I and mode-II SIFs obtained by XCQ4 
elements. Good agreement is recorded between the present results and data reported by Dolbow et al. 
[14] for XFEM (48 x 96 XQ4 elements, i.e. 4753 nodes) and Bui et al. [12] for XRPIM (30 x 68 nodes). 
It is noted that by using XCQ4 elements, less nodes are required to get equivalent accuracy with the 
reference methods. Figure 7 illustrates the Von Mises stress obtained from XCQ4 and conventional 
FEM (XQ4) with the material ratio E2/E1 = 2. It is clear that the stress field obtained from XCQ4 is tron 
and finer than XQ4 with the same a comparison condition. 
 a) b) 
 Figure 7. Stress Von Mises of the Edge cracked FGM plate under shear loading: (a)XCQ4, (b) XQ4. 
 D.D. Nguyen et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 37, No. 1 (2021) 1-11 9 
5.3. Mixed-mode, Edge Crack of FGM Plate with E(y) 
 In this example, the problem of an FGM rectangular plate with pre-existing edge crack is considered. 
As shown in Figure 8, uniform tensile load is applied on both top and bottom edges. Dimensions of the 
plate are given by height H and width W, with ratio H/W = 3. The length of crack is denoted by a, with 
a/W = 0.4. The Poisson’s ratio is assumed constant as  = 0.25, while the Young’s modulus vary 
continously in the vertical direction as follows 
 E( y ) E e y (13) 
in which E1 = 10 is the value of Young’s modulus on the bottom edge and E2 is the Young’s modulus 
on the top edge. Parameter β is defined by  ln( E / E ) . Similarly to Bui et al. [12], various values 
 H 21
of H/2 are chosen for analysis, from H/2 = -1.25 to H/2 = 1.25. Obviously, when  = 0, the material 
becomes homogenous. For numerical simulation, the plate is discretized by 19 59 quadrialteral 
 Figure 8. Edge cracked FGM plate under tension loading. Young’s modulus E(y) continuously vary in the y-
 direction (see Eq. (8)). 
 Figure 9 (a) and (b) depicts the variation of Mode-I and Mode-II SIFs with respect to parameter 
H/2. It is observed that mode-I SIF is almost constant and do not depend on H/2. The reason is that 
material property along the direction parallel to crack face (x-direction) does not change. On the other 
hand, the value of mode-II SIF monotonically increases with the increasing H/2. Mode-II SIF is zero 
when  = 0, which indicates homogeneous material. It is known that under the boundary conditions 
described in Figure 4.5, in a homogenous plate, the crack would open in pure mode-I, i.e. see [7] for 
reference. Figure 4.6 also presents comparison between the current approach, i.e. XCQ4 elements, with 
the boundary method (BEM) and the meshfree method XRPIM reported by Bui et al. [12]. Good 
agreement can be recorded. 
10 D.D. Nguyen et al. / VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 37, No. 1 (2021) 1-11 
 Figure 9. (a) Mode-I SIF and (b) mode-II SIF as functions of material gradient along the y direction in edge 
 cracked FGM plate under uniform tensile loading. 
6. Conclusion 
 The study used the CQ4 element extension (XCQ4), which is particularly suitable for crack 
modeling with conventional materials in general and FGM in particular, to calculate stress coefficients 
and some problem in 2D linear elastic fracture mechanical problem. In each case study, corresponding 
to the material functions, the SIFs and its convergence are found to be consistent with the respective 
analyzes such as XQ4 in general and other numerical methods in particular. In general, the numerical 
results obtained from XCQ4 show a high efficiency as it gives higher accuracy than conventional finite 
element. On the other hand, XCQ4 also shows a fine stress field at the crack peak that cannot be easily 
obtained similarly to the traditional finite element. Therefore, the new element XCQ4 can be extended 
and applied to more complex problems in practice. 
 This research is funded by the University of Engineering and Technology, VNU Hanoi under project 
number DA.20.01. 
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